Pascale Hutton credited as playing...
- Dr. Brookner: Brigitte, you have a room of people pretty curious about Brigitte.
- Beth-Ann: And incidently, a room full of people who think you really suck at suicide.
- [Brigitte glances at the cuts on her left arm and then pulls up her sleeve]
- Dr. Brookner: What's your best-case scenario, hmm? Go there.
- Brigitte: My best-case scenario, Eleanor, is hair everywhere but my eyeballs, elongation of my spine until my skin splits, teats, and a growing tolerance, maybe even affection for, the smell and taste of feces - not just my own - and then, excruciating death.
- Beth-Ann: PING!
- [throws penny at Ghost's head and laughs, everyone else joins in]
- Girl: This is getting so boring.
- Beth-Ann: It's an ancient game, the throwing of pennies at the local moron or midget!
- Brigitte: I can't see the TV
- [laughing and throwing continues]
- Brigitte: I said I can't see the TV!
- [grabs Beth-Ann and slams her into a wall]
- Brigitte: Would you like me to throw YOU at her head?