- Title Card: The Cutter's Code: i. A cutter cannot sell or give away Zoe footage. ii. A cutter cannot have a Zoe implant. iii. A cutter cannot mix Zoe footage from different lives for a Rememory.
- Alan Hakman: The dead mean nothing to me, Mrs. Bannister. I took this job because I respect the living.
- Alan Hakman: I need to speak to you alone.
- Thelma: Michael, why don't you go down to the store and buy some cigarettes?
- Michael: We got eight packs already.
- Thelma: Well, bring them back then. We don't need so many.
- Delila: What is it?
- Alan Hakman: Some implants have defect. They can't see the difference between what the eye sees and what the mind sees.
- Delila: Everytime I think I've had it with you, you show me something amazing.
- Alan Hakman: My job is to let people remember what they want to remember, Fletcher. It fulfilled a human need. I didn't invent the technology.
- Alan: Then you know what it's like to be haunted. One memory... one single incident has made me who I am. It won't leave me be. The guilt tears me apart.
- Delila: There's no place for me with you. You haven't even made room for yourself. You have to separate yourself from that machine.
- Fletcher: It's a strange profession you have, isn't it, Alan? You take people's lives, make lies out of them.
- Alan Hakman: It's been a long time, Fletcher.
- Fletcher: Eight years.
- Alan Hakman: Well, I don't have time to catch up right now.
- Fletcher: How can you handle it, Alan? People sleeping and shitting... people stealing from each other... manipulating each other.. the obscenity.
- Alan Hakman: I can't talk, I'm working.
- Delila: You fell in love with an image of me. Not the real me.
- Alan Hakman: At first. Now I want you the way you really are.
- Delila: I can't believe you after what you did.
- Delila: These moments... they belong to me, Alan. The good and the bad. They're mine and his! Who are you to take them away from me?
- Legz, the Tattoo Artist: Now first we do the audio tattoo... and we wait a week. If you don't get a migraine and your system takes it... then we'll do the video tattoo.
- Alan: Do I have to cover my whole face?
- Legz, the Tattoo Artist: No. Those guys
- [referring to the men in the lobby with large face tattoos]
- Legz, the Tattoo Artist: ... they're just young and angry. You want it discrete.
- Alan: Very.
- Legz, the Tattoo Artist: Yeah.
- Alan: Will this hurt?
- Legz, the Tattoo Artist: Oh, yeah.
- Delila: Why are you here? You know it doesn't work between us.
- Alan Hakman: I can change.
- Delila: You can't change. You're a man of marble.
- Alan Hakman: I still have some of your things. You want me to drop them off?
- Delila: Keep them as souvenirs.
- Alan Hakman: You wanna come by and pick them up?
- Hasan: This girl was a complete wreck - drinking, drugs, in and out of schools. Then she turns 21... and she finds out about her Zoe implant. Complete 180. She's born again. Her knowing that someone would one day watch... transforms her into this kind, gentle, loving person.
- Michael: So what happened?
- Hasan: She committed suicide. Took a dive off her balcony... 27 floors straight onto her head. The implant was instantly vapourized.
- Isabel Bannister: Alan? Are you gonna fix what my daddy can remember?
- Alan: In a way, yes.
- Isabel Bannister: Can you make him forget that I drew on his contract with crayon.
- Alan: I will.
- Isabel Bannister: And that I pulled Dottie's hard so hard that she cried. Will he forget that?
- Alan: He'll forget.
- Alan: But make sure you don't.
- Mrs. Monroe: Why are they tattooed like that?
- Alan Hakman: I'm not sure.
- Mrs. Monroe: It's so grotesque.
- Delila: Your phonecall got me all worried. I saw the mirror, what happened?
- Alan Hakman: I saw something.
- [first lines]
- Young Louis - 9: Can I play?
- Young Alan - 9: Do you have any marbles?
- Young Louis - 9: Yep.
- [reaches into his pocket]
- Young Alan - 9: Okay.
- Young Louis - 9: Thanks.
- Young Alan - 9: You're welcome. So what's your name?
- Young Louis - 9: Louis. Yours?
- Young Alan - 9: Alan.
- Young Louis - 9: You're not from around here, are you?
- Young Alan - 9: No. I'm here with my parents for the day.