I have been told I'm a pretty girl all of my life. However, since my early teens, I've been a bit overweight. In elementary school, my front teeth were broken on the playground, I had root canals which failed and abscessed. For years my front teeth were capped, but a stand-in dentist pulled them by mistake, thinking that the extreme pain I had was from the teeth. It was my sinuses, so I could have probably saved what was left of my teeth! My present bridge keeps coming loose and I've been told that I need a new one. However, I would like implants to replace it. I have been self conscious of my front teeth since elementary school and would like to be over that! I now have a turkey neck, droopy eyes and wrinkles on my forehead. Beside that, my breasts are VERY droopy and my stomach has begun to droop. I have cellulite on my buttocks, down to my legs. HELP!!! My self esteem has been so beat that it is TIRED! I am now an author of a book to help relationships, motivational speaker and would like to feel more confidence from the inside. Having helped others through the airwaves on my radio talk show and also my cable TV health talk show, now I would like help for me. I am healthy and work very hard, but need a makeover. I have not been in a relationship for 5 or 6 years, because I am so self-conscious naked. Can you HELP me? I am willing to come on your show! I LOVE the show!