Casually going through YouTube and found this and watched and i cannot emphasise enough how utterly convincing this was to watch given the fact im 22 so when this came out i would have only been 6 at the time of broadcast. Looked absolutely real and there were moment i thought oh my god no way did this happen and countless times had shivers going up my spine. The absolutely best piece of acting, directing, research and filming ever done. I have watched 1000's of documentaries, docudramas and docusoaps and this by far out of the 1000's iv watched was the most convincing.
I actually thought this was real till I typed into Google "the day britain stopped" and found out it was an act. Just lost for words how they pulled it off. Im a foolproof man and this is the first time ever iv been fooled by acting etc for how real this was to watch and how actually plausible this situation is and do you know what? This could actually happen given how congested the airspace and roads are these days (as of 28/04/2019) and how common major accidents are and theres no way i doubt these events actually happening.
Work of art and perfection bar none. 10/10 by far. Blown away with speechlessness.