- George Giblin, M.P.: We are being swamped and I will make no apologies for that word, swamped, by foreign criminals. The police are under resourced.
- Det. Supt. Jane Tennison: You know, it'll be a huge miscalculation to try and undermine my authority.
- Det. Supt. Jane Tennison: [Regarding the murdered woman] What nationality do you think she was?
- Pathologist: Possible East European; but I assumed Spanish the other day. That turned out to be Irish.
- Det. Supt. Jane Tennison: [asked if she is competent] Well, I've memorized the name of the current prime minister, if that's of any help.
- Det. Supt. Jane Tennison: You know, there's a twelve week residential course I could send you on especially designed to help you appreciate cultural sensitivities.
- DS Alun Simms: [Extending his arm] I'd prefer an amputation!
- Det. Supt. Jane Tennison: Yeah, well that's not where you need cutting off. Go on, piss off!
- Haweeya: Will he come after me, too?
- Det. Supt. Jane Tennison: No. No - because I'm going to find him, and I'm going too lock him away - and he's *never* coming out.