20 reviews
- thegrimmsleeper
- Feb 17, 2006
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I have seen this movie and it is bad I mean just bad. I gave this a two because it looks to me like they at least tried but failed miserably. First off the budget looked worse then someone making a high school movie with their dad's camera. The sound was terrible it was like someone giving a speech without there microphone working and they where talking low.
The camera angles where horrible and switching every 10 seconds. The only good actors where the car repair guy, and the funeral directer lady. There is a porno scene every 25 minuets or so and the zombies are only in a few scenes probably like 5.
If you where looking for a zombie movie you will be disappointed.
The camera angles where horrible and switching every 10 seconds. The only good actors where the car repair guy, and the funeral directer lady. There is a porno scene every 25 minuets or so and the zombies are only in a few scenes probably like 5.
If you where looking for a zombie movie you will be disappointed.
Well I gotta say it. This movie STANK. I have seen many zombie horror films in my time and each have their weak points. This one on the other hand, had no good points. The acting was so wooden, you could've used the cast to stoke a fire.It doesn't say much for the producers if this is the best they could find after two weeks of auditions with over 200 hopefuls!! The script was utterly shallow and contained no dimension whatsoever. The sound editing was even worse with some sound effects coming in so abruptly, it was laughable.
What more can I say. If you want a "horror" film that will scare you witless and make you jump with unexpected twists and turns, then avoid this film like the plague. On the other hand, if you want to have a few mates around for beers and a few good laughs pointing at the telly, then rent it.
What more can I say. If you want a "horror" film that will scare you witless and make you jump with unexpected twists and turns, then avoid this film like the plague. On the other hand, if you want to have a few mates around for beers and a few good laughs pointing at the telly, then rent it.
I can get past bad film making on a low budget, it happens, but the way this film blatantly tried to horn in on other film's commercial success' is astounding. The film itself, is a college level attempt at absolute best, the acting is sub par, and the zombie make-ups are atrocious. So much so, that on the back of the DVD box cover, there is a darkened image from the film Return of the Living Dead 2!!! Hows that for a blatant rip off! There is no lucid plot, and the attempts at humour are so bad, that I'm not even sure if they -were- attempting to be funny. Its not even funny on a "so bad its good" level. Its just plain bad all around. Avoid this hackey piece of trash at all costs!
- iarepacman
- Oct 8, 2005
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... one of the worst movies I've ever seen
there seems to be a good basis for the story but what they made out of it ...
the people chosen for the characters are a good choice but I thought they would take real actors ...
the movie has about the same quality as Wishmaster 4 and that's very low
the sound quality seems to be very low
bad acting / as I mentioned before
the only horror in this movie, was the price for the DVD
no laugh at all !!!
P.S. If you want to see a movie with a lot of laughs, watch "Shaun of the Dead" ( which is a romantic comedy with zombies in it)
there seems to be a good basis for the story but what they made out of it ...
the people chosen for the characters are a good choice but I thought they would take real actors ...
the movie has about the same quality as Wishmaster 4 and that's very low
the sound quality seems to be very low
bad acting / as I mentioned before
the only horror in this movie, was the price for the DVD
no laugh at all !!!
P.S. If you want to see a movie with a lot of laughs, watch "Shaun of the Dead" ( which is a romantic comedy with zombies in it)
This movie.. must be the worse movie I've seen in years. Some horror movies are good. Some are bad. And some are so bad that they're almost good because of the badness. This movie was on the other side again, just plain bad with no fun.. OK, I could see the humor in some elements because it was so bad, but I don't know if that was the intention.. Please, don't waste time watching this film. If you're looking for a zombie/horror film witch is bad but still funny, watch "Plan 9 From Outer Space". The movie is horrible, but not worse than this movie, and in a completely other way. Anyways, I agree with the guy above me, watch with some friends over a beer. Or ten.
- ivarnyland
- Jun 6, 2005
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I've not actually seen this yet - I spotted it in my local video store and instantly thought "Well, that's a movie to avoid!" Why? Because in the UK, the distributors felt the need to steal the logo from the wonderful "Shaun Of The Dead"... With a slight change to the zombie hand inside the "A" in "Dead". Good going, guys... You turned it from what might have been a good little zombie flick into what looks like a cheap cash-in on Pegg and Wright's work. When will these people realise that making someone's film look like someone else's film ( Especially if that wasn't the original intent ) Is NOT the way to gain credibility for a movie! Terminator... Exterminator. Alien... Alienator...
Any number of "Lookalike" posters...
LEAVE IT! LEt the films stand alone, and they'll probably do BETTER. Idiots...
Any number of "Lookalike" posters...
LEAVE IT! LEt the films stand alone, and they'll probably do BETTER. Idiots...
- nogodnomasters
- Jun 19, 2019
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I've seen a lot of bad films in my time (one of my friends and I go on occasional "crap movie marathons") but nothing - nothing! - prepared me for this. On the cover of the DVD it claims to feature "Revolting Plot. Revolting Acting. Revolting Jokes." and so on - and sadly, they really aren't joking (which, as it turned out, was a problem throughout the film!) From the moment the CG'ed "this would look great - if I was playing a Commodore 64 game!" opening credits sequence rolls to the very end, the film constantly surprises you by somehow getting worse as it goes along. I didn't expect much of this film, but I had hoped it would at least be dreadful in such a way that I could still have a good laugh at it - but sadly, no such luck! Purely, purely awful - don't put yourself through it!
Better than biodome Better than sex Better than stapling your ear to your neck Better than Pat Russo's hair
- Whetzellus
- Jan 10, 2004
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- slayrrr666
- Jan 22, 2009
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This movie is awful, drawn out, badly acted and the gore which is implied by such a title, only appears in the last 10 minutes of the movie! The editing is awful and a couple of scenes's made me feel sick due to the cutting back and forth. The visual effects later in the movie are equally as bad and this whole movie has a 'iMovie' feel.
The lead actress Shelley Delayne cannot act and is so wooden it's laughable, and many of the other actors simply camp it up! The only saving grace is Aaron Gaffy who seems to be the only one with any real talent in the movie.
Avoid this film, you'll only be disappointed.
The lead actress Shelley Delayne cannot act and is so wooden it's laughable, and many of the other actors simply camp it up! The only saving grace is Aaron Gaffy who seems to be the only one with any real talent in the movie.
Avoid this film, you'll only be disappointed.
I watched Revolting Dead over a few drinks and with a friend and we were nothing short of astonished at how bad it is. I'm a veteran zombie enthusiast with over 30 zombie films in my collection, including serious dross like Flesh Eating Mothers and most of the Italian 80's films... But this has to be one of the worst I've ever, ever seen. I don't say this lightly, but to even the most optimistic and forgiving zombie/horror fan, don't watch this. It's utterly devoid of any skill, humour or decent horror/effects. I'd say it's on a par with 'The Zombie Chronicles', which is another no-go film. If you're after a half decent modern zombie indie film then I'd say go track down 'The Stink of Flesh', it's quite a bit better and has a few fun and interesting ideas. The other reviews pretty much sum it up, most low-budget horror has it's strikes and it's gutters but this is just the pits.
Right, I'll stop now as I could go on all day.
Right, I'll stop now as I could go on all day.
- projectcyclops
- Jun 11, 2007
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- Leofwine_draca
- Mar 1, 2017
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- geminiredblue
- Aug 7, 2014
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This is a perfect example of the kind of "back yard" produced zombie films made during the time frame in which this film was released. I guess the idea behind this kind of film is that it doesn't really matter what the quality of the product is so long as you have a DVD box cover which looks glossy. A film like this may have earned the film makers a passing grade in a community college, film school class somewhere, but if so, it was just barely a passing grade.
The acting is horrible. Whoever told these people that they were funny lied to them. Watching this cast act is as uncomfortable as watching 38 year old men play Dungeons & Dragons in their parent's basement. Booms with microphones drop into scenes, tomb stones look like the foam props that they are, the zombie makeup looks like a high school play. You know exactly what you are in for with this "movie" when the opening credits begin to play. They look like the kind of computer animation you'd expect to see on the display board of a pinball machine as it flashes the word "tilt".
This one isn't even "funny" bad. It is just bad. The film maker should have just given a copy of this to his parents and saved the rest of us our time and money.
The acting is horrible. Whoever told these people that they were funny lied to them. Watching this cast act is as uncomfortable as watching 38 year old men play Dungeons & Dragons in their parent's basement. Booms with microphones drop into scenes, tomb stones look like the foam props that they are, the zombie makeup looks like a high school play. You know exactly what you are in for with this "movie" when the opening credits begin to play. They look like the kind of computer animation you'd expect to see on the display board of a pinball machine as it flashes the word "tilt".
This one isn't even "funny" bad. It is just bad. The film maker should have just given a copy of this to his parents and saved the rest of us our time and money.
- maxwelldrake
- Mar 15, 2006
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- Killalot_OfJediZombiez
- Aug 5, 2006
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- Woodyanders
- May 15, 2022
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