Matt Damon credited as playing...
Bryan Woodman
- Bryan Woodman: But what do you need a financial advisor for? Twenty years ago you had the highest Gross National Product in the world, now you're tied with Albania. Your second largest export is secondhand goods, closely followed by dates which you're losing five cents a pound on... You know what the business community thinks of you? They think that a hundred years ago you were living in tents out here in the desert chopping each other's heads off and that's where you'll be in another hundred years, so, yes, on behalf of my firm I accept your money.
- Prince Nasir Al-Subaai: What are they thinking, my brother and these American lawyers?
- Bryan Woodman: What are they thinking? They're thinking that it's running out. It's running out... and ninety percent of what's left is in the Middle East. This is a fight to the death.
- Bryan Woodman: Do you understand what that means, it's like someone put a giant ATM on our front lawn.
- Julie Woodman: Here's a question. How do you think it looks to profit off the death of your six year old?
- Julie Woodman: Arabs are very family-oriented. As a people. Is that racist?
- Bryan Woodman: Sure! A little.