I know a lot of people never got a chance to play this game, but I strongly suggest playing it if you ever get the chance. Most people nowadays probably wouldn't waste time with NES stuff, let alone NES rpgs, but trust me this one is worth it. Basically the game consists of 5 total chapters. Chapters 1-4 are noticeably smaller, but they do a great job at setting the scene for the 5th and last chapter.
I don't want to give too much away about the game since I really do not want to include spoilers, but I want to stress what an incredible job they did in making the game. I urge you to look past the limited graphics and play it if you are an avid rpg fan. Play it similar to the way that a die hard movie watcher today would watch Casablanca or Citizen Kane (if you get my drift).
A lot of people will pass this game over in order to play the very first final fantasy on the original nes. To be honest, though the first FF was really good, I really enjoyed this one better and find it much more fun in replay value. Anyways, if you ever get the chance check it out. I know we probably shouldn't plug emulator/roms, but look into them if you are having trouble finding an original copy of the game (or even an original nes).