A bunch of teens go out to an isolated beach for the weekend and find a bit more than the "good times!" they had planned. I was expecting this film, which was marketed as an Aussie teen slasher, to be bottom-of-the-barrel junk. Well, it wasn't a slasher and it was one of the better creepy films of the past few years. Taking its cue from 70s Aussie gems "Long Weekend" and "Picnic at Hanging Rock," (as well as several other low-budget American hits that will go unnamed here), this is a fresh and frightening little movie. It is well-acted (better than US teen horrors, anyway) and the middle half-hour of the film is actually quite frightening and doesn't skimp on the scares and eerie imagery. Unfortunately, the movie is a bit too ambitious for it's own good and leaves you thinking "huh?" in certain parts, but overall, I'd recommend this to anyone who likes psychological horror.