28 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 75Entertainment WeeklyLisa SchwarzbaumEntertainment WeeklyLisa SchwarzbaumIf you loved Amy Sedaris before in a golfer-lady wig and inbred chump's grin, you'll maybe love her again here, while wishing she had another TV-episode-size venue for her talents
- 75The A.V. ClubNathan RabinThe A.V. ClubNathan RabinLives and dies on the strength of individual gags, most of which are clever, but none of which quite make up for the absence of a strong narrative drive. Sometimes being funny isn't enough.
- 75PremierePremiereThis is one unmarked van you just might want to take a ride with.
- 70The New York TimesDana StevensThe New York TimesDana StevensDevotees of the series, admirers of Ms. Sedaris and fake-news junkies who can never get enough of Mr. Colbert will find reasons to see it and to convince themselves that it is funnier and more satisfying than it really is. Count me in.
- 63TV Guide MagazineKen FoxTV Guide MagazineKen FoxWhen it comes right down to it, there are two kinds of people in this world: Those who despised Comedy Central's notorious series Strangers with Candy as the rudest, crudest and most offensive show ever to appear on television, and those who loved it for those very reasons.
- 63USA TodayClaudia PuigUSA TodayClaudia PuigFans of the cult TV comedy Strangers with Candy may be happy to catch any sighting of the silly escapades of Amy Sedaris' middle-aged ex-con junkie. But purists will prefer the Comedy Central episodes to this uneven film.
- 60The Hollywood ReporterSheri LindenThe Hollywood ReporterSheri LindenOffers more laughs than most comedies of recent vintage. But what was subversive on the tube feels muted at feature length.
- Chock-full of offensive stereotypes and puerile in-jokes.
- 40Village VoiceMichael AtkinsonVillage VoiceMichael AtkinsonStrangers With Candy regularly lampoons junkie-reparation melodramas and after-school specials, but with so little focus it's never clear what the film, or even Sedaris's vaudeville buffoon incarnation, is supposed to be parodying. That may be its fascination for some--it's a satire without a baseline, free-floating in its own self-indulgent ether.
- 0New York PostNew York PostThe Amy Sedaris comedy based on the failed TV show isn't the least funny film of the year - but for that it should send a thank-you note to "United 93."