Tyron Leitso credited as playing...
Eric Gotts
- [waiting for the 2 birds to mate]
- Aaron Tyler: They're not doing anything.
- Penelope: They will. Be patient. We've created the perfect mating evironment.
- Mahandra McGinty: You don't suppose they're waiting for the five giants to stop leering at them, do you?
- Jaye: She's toying with him. Look at her. What a tease.
- Eric: Seems like she's ignoring him.
- Jaye: It's a ploy. She's making him want her more. That way he won't see it coming when she bites his head off.
- Penelope: Birds don't do that. Although in some species of praying mantis, the female eats the male headfirst during mating.
- Jaye: God! Love can be cruel.
- Eric: ...and beautiful.
- Jaye: ...but cruel. I mean, I'm not saying it's her fault. She can't help what she is. But look at that beak. It was made for pecking.
- Penelope: That's the male.
- Jaye: Whatever! Point is, the only thing endangered here is Humphrey's heart. God. Why doesn't he just run? Run, Humphrey, run!
- Jaye: What if we're too late? What if he's already beat her to death with a bag of oranges for withholding trick money?
- Eric: Well, if she had any trick money I don't think she'd be living in a barrel. I know I wouldn't be.
- Jaye: Yes, but maybe she's just a lazy whore. That happens, right? They can't all have hearts of gold and good work ethics.