52 reviews
I gave it 5 out of 10 in the realm of reality shows. The second season is just an extension of the first season. The premise is two young rich women give up their money and plastic to make it on their own touring the country in a pink pickup truck and a small trailer home just big enough for two. They degrade the people trying to help them and fail at the jobs they get on the way. The series is a great promotion for the Hilton holdings (tip: sell.) The first episode (2:1) has illusions to the futures of these actresses. As Paris drives the vehicles for the first time she exclaims "It's so big!" spingboarding her to her film debute in One Night in Paris. Nicole gets practice biting the hand that feeds her for her 2005 film Kids in America. I know if I was on my way I wouldn't be buying $400 K worth of Brooks Brothers and Floorsheim rather than watches and jewelry I could pawn on the way. I was entertained because they are cute even though they can't act their way out of a cow pie. By the way, this is being repeated on the E! channel.
- pstankavich
- Apr 29, 2006
- Permalink
Nearly every review of the Simple Life misses its essence -- its a staged show. ALL reality shows are in fact staged, with a script. The "reality" part is a bit of improv. allowance, and the illusion that its really happening.
The Simple Life is just as staged as the Lucy show in that generation. Most of the jokes are already written. All the bits, even down to Nicole's purse getting stolen, are staged. If the girls did some of this stuff in real life, they know they would at least get a misdemeanor offense. Instead, a little town is signed up to play along with the jokes and pretend.
The moral condemnation of Paris and Nicole, as spoiled rich girls with low IQs, is just what the producers want adults to think. Any kid with a brain knows they are just goofing off, and its no more real than the Three Stooges. Relax, folks, the stealing and lying and screw ups are all jokes.
The Simple Life is just as staged as the Lucy show in that generation. Most of the jokes are already written. All the bits, even down to Nicole's purse getting stolen, are staged. If the girls did some of this stuff in real life, they know they would at least get a misdemeanor offense. Instead, a little town is signed up to play along with the jokes and pretend.
The moral condemnation of Paris and Nicole, as spoiled rich girls with low IQs, is just what the producers want adults to think. Any kid with a brain knows they are just goofing off, and its no more real than the Three Stooges. Relax, folks, the stealing and lying and screw ups are all jokes.
As I tuned in for the new 5th season, I was amazed. Not in how good the show was (not that it's ever been Emmy material) But how the creators/producers thought that people were so stupid. Clearly, it's scripted and set up. I was flipping through the channels and it came on one day and I looked and what seemed to be a giant snake on one of the campers bed. That snake CLEARLY came from the amazon. It was as long as the bed, it was huge. The other head camper man (I think his name is Hunter) tries to get it and he's so "freaked out" he can't. Oh! No. Here comes Paris, she single handedly put the what looked to be like a python into a big gray bucket and carry it away. I mean, Come on.
Another thing is the premier episode (which is the only one I watched all the way through.), Paris is talking with her mom and her mom say's "Oh it's Nicole's birthday, why don't you call her?" and then the camera switches to Nicole who see's her phone ringing and is like "It's Paris." And they make up on national TV. How cute and convenient that they both had cameras ready. Yeah OK. Plus I think the whole fight was a publicity stunt that got out of hand and they carried on. Then they made up just in time for the last season.
The first season was good and so was the second. The third started gettnig worse and the fourth wasn't that good at all and now the last of the "Simple Life" series can have it's last season be as scripted as a CW drama. A reality show? Not even close. Entertaining? Hmmm... Not really. Believable? Please. In the last words, there are much better things on TV to watch on a Sunday. I highly DON'T recommend this TV show.
Another thing is the premier episode (which is the only one I watched all the way through.), Paris is talking with her mom and her mom say's "Oh it's Nicole's birthday, why don't you call her?" and then the camera switches to Nicole who see's her phone ringing and is like "It's Paris." And they make up on national TV. How cute and convenient that they both had cameras ready. Yeah OK. Plus I think the whole fight was a publicity stunt that got out of hand and they carried on. Then they made up just in time for the last season.
The first season was good and so was the second. The third started gettnig worse and the fourth wasn't that good at all and now the last of the "Simple Life" series can have it's last season be as scripted as a CW drama. A reality show? Not even close. Entertaining? Hmmm... Not really. Believable? Please. In the last words, there are much better things on TV to watch on a Sunday. I highly DON'T recommend this TV show.
if you need a laugh, there are better ways to get it. Paris Hilton (while stupid) is no dummy when it comes to money.
She laughs all the way to the bank while audiences in America continue to watch this. Nicole Ritchie at least added some edge, now she is gone from the show.
Send a message to Paris, don't buy her products or tune in. Trash like this is worse than "The Apprentice" because it has six year old kids, tuning in and thinking its "cool". Yeah, it's cool to make fun of people 24/7. That will help them a lot when they get out in the real world, and think that having a pink cell phone and Vuitton handbag will equip them for reality. One star for Nicole.
She laughs all the way to the bank while audiences in America continue to watch this. Nicole Ritchie at least added some edge, now she is gone from the show.
Send a message to Paris, don't buy her products or tune in. Trash like this is worse than "The Apprentice" because it has six year old kids, tuning in and thinking its "cool". Yeah, it's cool to make fun of people 24/7. That will help them a lot when they get out in the real world, and think that having a pink cell phone and Vuitton handbag will equip them for reality. One star for Nicole.
- MarieGabrielle
- Nov 6, 2006
- Permalink
I honestly can't see what is even vaguely entertaining about this show.
Sure, I've tuned in out of the same morbid curiosity which causes you to stick your finger in an electric outlet once in your life.
One has to wonder "just what IS this"; yet what compels one to continue watching? I really see nothing amusing here. Merely pathetic. There's no clever satire or scathing commentary. It's merely mental depravity and an attempt to make the poor feel superior. I doubt even these ditzes are quite as stupid as they portray themselves. Yet what stupidity is real and what is scripted becomes a moot point; it's stupidity without redemption.
Crud like this is an indicator of how poor American society has become.
Sure, I've tuned in out of the same morbid curiosity which causes you to stick your finger in an electric outlet once in your life.
One has to wonder "just what IS this"; yet what compels one to continue watching? I really see nothing amusing here. Merely pathetic. There's no clever satire or scathing commentary. It's merely mental depravity and an attempt to make the poor feel superior. I doubt even these ditzes are quite as stupid as they portray themselves. Yet what stupidity is real and what is scripted becomes a moot point; it's stupidity without redemption.
Crud like this is an indicator of how poor American society has become.
- Asteri-Atypical
- Jan 27, 2005
- Permalink
i have actually just recently seen an episode of _The Simple Life_, not of my own volition either. i just have to say that i would have to not only rate this pathetic excuse for a show as a "1," but i would have to say that Paris Hilton's IQ is probably lower than that, even down into the negative digits if that's possible. how could anyone sit and watch this drivel? i just don't understand what television has come to. this show points out the most shallow and selfish aspects of human beings, and people find this entertaining? oh, yes, probably people with the same IQ as Paris herself. forgive me, folks, but this just happens to be my own opinion. if you've not seen this show, for goodness sake, find something else to do with your time.
- frazier61075
- Jun 2, 2006
- Permalink
I'm dismayed & confused by the low rating. I watch this show because I'm guaranteed to laugh out loud. These girl's are outrageous and really funny. That's the charm, simple as that.
- bruceangel-54840
- Oct 12, 2019
- Permalink
Everyone has their opinions on this show. You either love it or hate it. Personally, I love it. It's a piece of harmless fun. A funny show with exaggerated concepts and unrealistic motives. But lovable all the same. If you take The Simple Life as simply just fun, then it's a great show. If you read into it, and examine every single aspect, it's not so great.
When it comes down to it, The Simple Life is fake. They want you to believe these girls (Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie), have been stripped of everything that's important to them (money, credit cards, cell phones etc...)When in fact that's not the case. When you see pictures of them and the title reads "On set of The Simple Life" - that pretty much says it all. It's not supposed to be set up, it's supposed to be real. Is it scripted? Of course. Should it be, given the description of the show? No, it shouldn't.
The BIGGEST thing that gives this away is the editing. It's awful. Throughout the course of the season, you see the girls wearing the exact same outfits, hairstyles, looking exactly the same as previous episodes. And something tells me Paris & Nicole don't wear the exact same thing (EXACT TO A T), as previous weeks ago. It's so obvious none of it is real. So, I guess if you notice this, then yeah.. it's a fake show. Not reality.
When they say at the end of the finale "Yeah! We did it." They want you to believe they survived a month without their beloved credit cards, when really the truth is "Yeah, we finished filming."
When it comes down to it, The Simple Life is fake. They want you to believe these girls (Paris Hilton & Nicole Richie), have been stripped of everything that's important to them (money, credit cards, cell phones etc...)When in fact that's not the case. When you see pictures of them and the title reads "On set of The Simple Life" - that pretty much says it all. It's not supposed to be set up, it's supposed to be real. Is it scripted? Of course. Should it be, given the description of the show? No, it shouldn't.
The BIGGEST thing that gives this away is the editing. It's awful. Throughout the course of the season, you see the girls wearing the exact same outfits, hairstyles, looking exactly the same as previous episodes. And something tells me Paris & Nicole don't wear the exact same thing (EXACT TO A T), as previous weeks ago. It's so obvious none of it is real. So, I guess if you notice this, then yeah.. it's a fake show. Not reality.
When they say at the end of the finale "Yeah! We did it." They want you to believe they survived a month without their beloved credit cards, when really the truth is "Yeah, we finished filming."
- Sam_Movie_Buff
- May 4, 2008
- Permalink
I remember seeing this back in the day when I was 13. Back then i didn't know better and i thought this show was trash. Now I am a 30 year old loser and still think this show and shows like this are trash.
you take one trash show off the air. 3 more shall take its place.
you take one trash show off the air. 3 more shall take its place.
- ThunderKing6
- Feb 5, 2020
- Permalink
This show is all-around just fun. It's not meant to be some great television show, nor some extremely real reality show. It's just what it is.
I find it very funny to see grown people getting mad at this show and then making fun of Paris and Nicole for being stupid and spoiled. Because what those adults don't seem to understand is that the entire SHOW is making fun of Paris and Nicole being stupid and spoiled. Paris and Nicole are also BOTH making fun of themselves being stupid and spoiled. They have a good sense of humor about themselves and their public image, so they were making fun of it with this show. That was kind of the entire point.
I find it absolutely ridiculous that grown adults still have that mentality of "NO! I'M ALLOWED TO MAKE FUN OF YOU BUT WHEN YOU JOIN IN AND START LAUGHING AT YOURSELF IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE." Grow up, people. Stop taking everything so goddamn seriously.
The show is absolutely hilarious if you take it for what it is and just admire the girls for having a sense of humor about who they are. People just need to take a step down off of their OWN blue collar thrones and stop thinking that Paris and Nicole are beneath them simply because they're always in the spotlight. It's not a crime to be silly. In fact, it's BETTER not to take yourself too seriously. After all, what fun is life if you're acting like every single second needs to be spent with a serious look on your face?
This show is great at what it does. It's just a shame that some people are extremely prejudiced against the two girls.
I find it very funny to see grown people getting mad at this show and then making fun of Paris and Nicole for being stupid and spoiled. Because what those adults don't seem to understand is that the entire SHOW is making fun of Paris and Nicole being stupid and spoiled. Paris and Nicole are also BOTH making fun of themselves being stupid and spoiled. They have a good sense of humor about themselves and their public image, so they were making fun of it with this show. That was kind of the entire point.
I find it absolutely ridiculous that grown adults still have that mentality of "NO! I'M ALLOWED TO MAKE FUN OF YOU BUT WHEN YOU JOIN IN AND START LAUGHING AT YOURSELF IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE." Grow up, people. Stop taking everything so goddamn seriously.
The show is absolutely hilarious if you take it for what it is and just admire the girls for having a sense of humor about who they are. People just need to take a step down off of their OWN blue collar thrones and stop thinking that Paris and Nicole are beneath them simply because they're always in the spotlight. It's not a crime to be silly. In fact, it's BETTER not to take yourself too seriously. After all, what fun is life if you're acting like every single second needs to be spent with a serious look on your face?
This show is great at what it does. It's just a shame that some people are extremely prejudiced against the two girls.
- xxrhoddyxx
- Sep 30, 2011
- Permalink
This show is so bad its actually worth watching. It gives me a lot of pleasure to see the status quo and societal norms be trounced by these two young bimbos. It's honestly quite similar in nature to "just for laughs gags". Seeing the average mid western american's life being upended is fun to watch. Seeing their reaction is fun too. These girls say and do things to avg people that no sane person would ever say or do. It's sort of like a fantasy camp for innapropriate behavior. You wouldn't do it yourself, but it sure is fun to watch. Having run through most of the content on amazon prime this is worth a watch for me. 6/10 stars for being entertaining if nothing else.
- whatdreamsmayawakenus
- Nov 20, 2024
- Permalink
I don't know if I'm being opinionated or the fact that I hate the fact that Paris Hilton is an embodiment of inequality in society. She has inherited money to manipulate others into doing things that are undignified and indecent. She obviously takes advantage of people that have given up their dignity for the sake of capitalistic nonsense. Everything Paris Hilton does, I hate. She's a brutally abusive person that's harassed me and other people out in the open. She's the embodiment of UNWARRANTED/UNSOLICITED.
This "Simple Life" show is titled as it is: a way of making Americans seem like they're "simple" (in other words: basic, stupid, irrelevant, nobodies) because they're in the presence of some trash heiress that thinks that she's above the U. S. Constitution or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
I don't understand why anyone would call this show "comedy". The show is not funny. It's just a boring heiress acting like she's funny or interesting to watch. She is pure corruption. I'm so sick and tired of her. My entire life is a mess because of the nonsense that this "woman" propagates into society. She definitely isn't sure of herself because I hate her. Her ceasing to exist is equivalent to me finally being able to have some freedom. Her sister and her family is as disgusting as she is, but she's the loudest and most obnoxious. She's a manipulator - plain and simple. I've never seen her contrite in public. I've only seen her enjoying luxuries since birth and delivering these trash acts that have this "most people are below me" vibe coming from them. They're horrible acts. They're not interesting. If you think about Paris Hilton, just always expect this "person" to always treat you like you're worth absolutely nothing and your entire existent is meant to revolve around worshipping her and giving her money/attention. She only treats people with high net worths like they're of value and mistreats everyone else. It's so obvious that her "philanthropy" is all one big gimmick. Nothing that she does for other people come from the heart, otherwise I wouldn't want her dead. I'm so sick and tired of her. Every day, I go full force on ending her in any way I can. I really do truly hate her. She reminds me of those replicants on Blade Runner: looks human, acts like a human, but doesn't have any empathy or compassion. She's so gross.
This "Simple Life" show is titled as it is: a way of making Americans seem like they're "simple" (in other words: basic, stupid, irrelevant, nobodies) because they're in the presence of some trash heiress that thinks that she's above the U. S. Constitution or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
I don't understand why anyone would call this show "comedy". The show is not funny. It's just a boring heiress acting like she's funny or interesting to watch. She is pure corruption. I'm so sick and tired of her. My entire life is a mess because of the nonsense that this "woman" propagates into society. She definitely isn't sure of herself because I hate her. Her ceasing to exist is equivalent to me finally being able to have some freedom. Her sister and her family is as disgusting as she is, but she's the loudest and most obnoxious. She's a manipulator - plain and simple. I've never seen her contrite in public. I've only seen her enjoying luxuries since birth and delivering these trash acts that have this "most people are below me" vibe coming from them. They're horrible acts. They're not interesting. If you think about Paris Hilton, just always expect this "person" to always treat you like you're worth absolutely nothing and your entire existent is meant to revolve around worshipping her and giving her money/attention. She only treats people with high net worths like they're of value and mistreats everyone else. It's so obvious that her "philanthropy" is all one big gimmick. Nothing that she does for other people come from the heart, otherwise I wouldn't want her dead. I'm so sick and tired of her. Every day, I go full force on ending her in any way I can. I really do truly hate her. She reminds me of those replicants on Blade Runner: looks human, acts like a human, but doesn't have any empathy or compassion. She's so gross.
- erluis-vazquez
- Dec 7, 2023
- Permalink
I've seen the first 2 episodes of this show and so far it's a real surprise. I never liked Road Rules, so I went into it a little apprehensive considering the two shows share some creative blood. Plus, the girls (especially Hilton) are really fun to look at.
I was expecting to see a show that made fun of the hillbilly family they're staying with, but the writers and editors have done an excellent job squashing that notion: the starts of the show are living with a "Real" family with morals and rules. The girls aren't used to living under those conditions and it's fun watching them make fools of themselves while trying to be California cool. Some classic moments already: Paris asks "What's a well for?" or "Do you know what generic means?" And the scene in episode 2 that shows Paris getting all dolled up for a night on the town only to go out to meet a group of local boys who don't seem impressed by her famous name - one asks: "So, your last name's Motel6?"
Definitely an amusing way to spend a half hour.
I was expecting to see a show that made fun of the hillbilly family they're staying with, but the writers and editors have done an excellent job squashing that notion: the starts of the show are living with a "Real" family with morals and rules. The girls aren't used to living under those conditions and it's fun watching them make fools of themselves while trying to be California cool. Some classic moments already: Paris asks "What's a well for?" or "Do you know what generic means?" And the scene in episode 2 that shows Paris getting all dolled up for a night on the town only to go out to meet a group of local boys who don't seem impressed by her famous name - one asks: "So, your last name's Motel6?"
Definitely an amusing way to spend a half hour.
- gigglesgrunstad
- Mar 16, 2020
- Permalink
This is when reality television was actually good. Funny. The OG Paris and Nicole was worth watching. Far more than this generation of reality tv stars.
- kstephen89
- Mar 16, 2018
- Permalink
Watch a couple of goofy girls having fun together, and have fun watching them! They pretty much spend the episodes goofing off, which is pretty funny. They may be rich girls, but they aren't mean girls. They're actually rather charming. As proof, my 65 year old cookie-baking midwestern mom is thoroughly enjoying season 3 with me as we speak :) If you like The Osbournes, you'll probably like this.
- EatingRaisins
- Jun 28, 2020
- Permalink
Funny & ridiculous and two ladies having a scream of a time and I found this hilarious.i am now a 46 yr old male and I have just watched it again after 10 years and I have actually found it even funnier than the 1st time I watched it .this is a reality TV classic
- goldingglenn
- Aug 19, 2020
- Permalink
Hilarious Paris&Nicole classic L.A attitude and outrageous fashion. A laugh a minute and should be on Netflix as it's timeless comedy with a sassy sexy appeal that is a more than fun act to watch. Season 4 is in my opinion the favourite.
- andycanham
- Mar 30, 2018
- Permalink
Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie endure a riotous 'Green Acres'-esque reality show that proves party girls are people too. Sort of. After living on an Arkansas farm without cell phones or money in the first go-round, they trailered across the country for 'The Simple Life 2: Road Trip,' and worked odd jobs while touring the East Coast on a Greyhound in 'Simple Life: Interns.' After that, the friends parted ways and Hilton headed to Hawaii for the fourth installment with a new sidekick.
I've recently rewatched this show on Amazon Prime after seeing it years ago on DVD. I may be biased as a Hilton & Richie fan but this show is so addictive, funny and entertaining with a lot of genuine and touching moment throughout too. Sure, some people will hate it but I personally think it's one of the best reality TV shows in history.
I've recently rewatched this show on Amazon Prime after seeing it years ago on DVD. I may be biased as a Hilton & Richie fan but this show is so addictive, funny and entertaining with a lot of genuine and touching moment throughout too. Sure, some people will hate it but I personally think it's one of the best reality TV shows in history.
Although I, largely, agree with most of the basic criticisms offered by other reviewers, I could not help but feel a certain sympathy for Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie and having some sense that, beneath their often obnoxious, misguided, and generally uninformed behavior; both ladies were fundamentally warm hearted and WANTED to be decent, if only they knew HOW to be so. Perhaps that is a naive assessment, on my part, given that they (and the residents of Altus) had to play to the cameras, to a certain extent, and that may have distorted everyone's more natural behavior. Still, (unless I was COMPLETELY deceived), the series looked like a cautionary tale of what often befalls clueless children of inherited wealth. The girls seemed to have been imprisoned in a cocoon of insular ignorance that crippled their capacity to function in a world structured more on self reliance and, perhaps, their parents owe them an apology for not teaching them the way Warren Buffett taught HIS children?
- philipjmulligan
- Nov 16, 2006
- Permalink
I actually love this show! you may hear some negativity about the show, "you have the same IQ as Paris if u watch this"(a common comment), they are wrong. their stupidity is what makes the show! i cannot wait for new episodes! i will say, this show is not for young children. it is more for the older audience.
if you haven't seen the show before, basically, Paris and Nicole get jobs and tasks to do in different states...they pretty much goof off all the time and do what they please(things that would get any normal person fired from their job- or even arrested)...
you may think there would be boredom after so many episodes, but don't think that! Each season has its own flare to it. I wont ruin it, so you will just have to wait it to find out!
if you haven't seen the show before, basically, Paris and Nicole get jobs and tasks to do in different states...they pretty much goof off all the time and do what they please(things that would get any normal person fired from their job- or even arrested)...
you may think there would be boredom after so many episodes, but don't think that! Each season has its own flare to it. I wont ruin it, so you will just have to wait it to find out!
Edit/ pretty wild was better
There really isn't a show better than this. Just like arrested development and always sunny, the show was before it's time. It's cinematic genius couples with amazing storytelling through pure character portraits. Proximate to its premiere date, the rating average really make sense. If America wouod have been proposed this masterpiece prior to dubbed reality tv i.e., flavor of love, bachelor, laguna beach, richie would have Have the upper hand and received the credit she deserved which would have played a big part in longevity with regard to the narrative of season one which clearly was the best season. Better than breaking bad? Yes as it's been proven many times before and will continue to hold up to scrutiny in the future - simple life is the best show of all time. Slept on. Yes.
- mediamilieu
- Feb 3, 2022
- Permalink
This show is honestly hands down one of my all time favorite shows! They do so many interesting, fascinating jobs/chores, they get into so much mischief that on several occasions I've covered my mouth from pure shock of what I was witnessing, they use so much profanity (which is hilarious cause it usually triggers people around them) they make so many raunchy comments/jokes (I've cried because of how hard some of those jokes/comments have made me laugh!) their fashionable outfits are so drop dead gorgeous! They meet so many cute animals in the series, get into so much drama within the series, and their dogs are cute! It's a amazing reality tv show, I highly recommend it!
- misakizack
- Jul 27, 2023
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