Officer Piffle is strong for the fair sex, and consequently suffers acutely from an attack of "nurse-girlitis." While indulging in his favorite outdoor sport, ogling the girls, he spies a dusky Ethiopian stealing a pig. A battle ensues in which Piffle comes out second best. Hastily donning a pair of skates, the stalwart officer pursues the flying thief, who arrives home safely in the lead. The Pinkerton Pup arrives soon after, and captures the stolen hog. Piffle also arrives and gets an awful deal from the coon's wife. He is thrown out the window and lands astride the fleeing swine. The unlucky Senegambian is also thrown out by his wife and lands on top of Piffle. In this position the two of them are landed at the station house by the Pinkerton Pup who drives the hog in that direction. Right in on top of the captain lands the flying cavalcade. The Pinkerton Pup again proves that he can deliver the goods.
—Moving Picture World synopsis