When the film was launched , Armaan Kohli was in the film. He was either playing the role eventually done by Neeraj. When producer Shabam.Kapoor asked him to leave the film, he said he would walk out of the other movie production "Deewana" also. Armaan told Shabnam he would do both films or nothing.Shabnam booted him out of both films.
Jeetendra went on record to say that Insaaf Ki Devi was the worst film he did with Rekha. The only reason he agreed to the film was because he was friends with the producer.
Armaan Kohli claimed that he left the film because Shabnam Kapoor wanted Insaaf Ki Devi to release before Virodhi. Raj Kumar Kohli was angry over this and demanded Armaan to leave Insaaf Ki Devi and Shabnam Kapoor's Deewana.