Is this a worth while movie to watch?
Just by looking at all the attempts to play it down in various ways by Israelis and friends should indicate that THERE IS SOMETHING REALLY WORTH WHILE taking part of!!! "It's false, fabricated, hatred, one sided and anti-semitic, funded by PLO" they all cry out together joining the ranks with the Isreali Minstery of Foregin Affaris which has published an article "Seven Lies About Jenin" about the movie. That if ANYTHING is a sign that EVERYONE should watch it!
For an Israeli land grabbing, killings, road blocks, invasion and PR cover-ups are all just for the "war" of survival. ANYTHING that questions that method and politics is a treat, anti- semitic and hateful.
but don't take my word for it! SEE THE MOVIE and then make up your own mind! get EDUCATED on all sides of the "holy land"! and don't stop on one side - cross the boarder and hear the arguments from the other side. EITHER OR, SEE THIS MOVIE!
no love without no heart. no heart without respect. no respect without justice. no justice comes from occupation!
: maria