The life of hedonism people in big city like Jakarta always fill with brand minded,Sex after lunch and dirty talk.When all the housewives,career women and young mommy are being together,everything is all about something "adult material contents".In ARisan!Nia Dinata discover all of it.The Honest,The truth and the reality.Things that never been thought before,nowadays just become "the usual behavior" of socialite high-class mothers and women.The great,exceptional and smart directing by NYU alumni Nia Dinata made this one as the best and most favourite comedy-drama ever.Even this movie got award for "the best movie of 2004" by FFI(Indonesian Film Festival).Cut Mini Theo showed her great talented as Memey,a confusing career smart woman.Tora Sudiro gave his stunning and incredible performance as Sakti,A gay city worker.And Aida Nurmala seems looks so unbelievable-excellent act ever played by newcomer as Andien,a desperate glamour housewife.However,Whenever and Whatever the days you'll be through it,spend your time for a while to watch this movie.Cause,It's the most important movie of all time.It's about city life,It's about socialite and it's about you...I give grade 10 of 10.Viva Arisan!