Andrea Anders credited as playing...
- Joey: I did the soap thing, but I can be serious. "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" That's Romeo.
- Alex: Actually, that's Juliet.
- Joey: Huh?
- Alex: Well, Romeo doesn't start a speech "Romeo, Romeo..."
- Joey: I did that on like a million auditions!
- Alex: When my mother was my age, she had three kids. All I have is a husband who's away all the time. Last week, a squirrel snuck into our apartment and I thought it was Eric coming home to surprise me. I put on lingerie for a squirrel!
- Joey: How do you say "How y'doin?" in Spanish?
- Alex: Yo tengo herpes.
- Gina: You have very beautiful hair.
- Alex: Oh, well thank you!
- Gina: [handing Alex her card] If you're ever thinking about selling it, you give me a call.
- Alex: Some kid dropped his army man in the hot tub.
- Alex: Well, which is it? Because at 33, you're still happy being a sexy single woman. At 34, you've got a wedding dress in your trunk just in case.
- Alex: I mean, would you look at all these suckers out celebrating this Hallmark holiday? My husband and I don't need this kind of thing. Though, a card would've been nice. Or a phone call. Or an e-mail, perhaps. But we spoke on Tuesday. He asked me to gather up his receipts. Tax time's coming!
- Gina: So, whoever you pick is the real winner?
- Joey: Yes!
- Gina: And I can rub it in Alex's face?
- Alex: Yeah, but you won't get to 'cos it ain't gonna go down like that, biatch!
- Alex: I'm a Corporate Lawyer. I make the World just a little bit worse.