Joshua Nelson credited as playing...
Joey the Butcher
- Jimmy Fangs: I know a guy, who knows a guy, who said his father saw the Reapers face, once. All disfigured. One eye, he says he got.
- Joey the Butcher: Yeah, and I heard he got no skin on his face.'
- Jimmy Fangs: Well, I don't know about that.
- Joey the Butcher: Listen to you, you lazy assed, one fang fuck.
- Nicky the Tooth: Hey. Hey! Don't you make fun of my disability.
- Joey the Butcher: Disability?
- Nicky the Tooth: Yeah, disability.
- Joey the Butcher: Please. Your mothers ass with your disability. You're just too stupid to figure out how to make the other one come out.
- Jimmy Fangs: What's the matter with you?
- Joey the Butcher: What?
- Jimmy Fangs: Why don't you get her out of the bathroom, already.
- Joey the Butcher: And what am I gonna do. Get her a room at the Hilton?
- Jimmy Fangs: No, but you could put her in the spare room. You got her laying on the bathroom floor like a fucking Puerto Rican.