21 reviews
As far as romantic comedies go, this one is one of my favorites. Although it was a made for TV movie it has the same feel as theater-worthy romantic comedies. Patrick Dempsey and Kimberly Williams-Paisley are both adorable. It definitely has a pretty high cheese-factor and is generally predictable, but you end the movie smiling every time without fail. I've watched it many times to put me in an automatic good mood. If you're in the mood for a light boy-girl movie then I highly recommend it! If you liked Patrick Dempsey in "Can't Buy Me Love," you'll enjoy this movie. It has a similar feel to that movie, but for more than just the teenage crowd.
- Monkeypats
- Nov 2, 2006
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I didn't realize this was a TV movie - it seemed like an above-average theatrical. The casting and acting were good (even featuring hotties), although unknown actors, and the story was interesting. Very surprisingly fun, well-made and even thought-provoking.
- FilmLabRat
- Aug 4, 2003
- Permalink
Its funny, its touching, sweet, romantic, you can relate to the story and characters. Besides that the acting is good. Patrick Dempsey is always good, Kimberly Williams is very charming and witty. She deserves more good roles. And nice scenery in this movie. Of course you know how the story will turn out, but hey the whole movie is about predictions. I need more lines to post this comment, but there's nothing much else to say. Overall a nice movie to watch. No masterpiece but absolutely no bore or bad movie. One more line: don't rent it unless you've seen Box of moonlight or Coupe de Ville, but do watch it if it's on TV and you're in a romantic mood. I rate it 7 out of 10.
"Lucky 7" was a touching and poignant story of a mother who creates a means to help her young daughter adjust to the fact that she (the mother)is dying, and in so doing she provides a way for the child to keep her mother in her heart and as a part of life.
By drawing a time-line for her 7 year old daughter,of things that will happen over the years to come,including school, career, and boyfriends, this young mother helps her daughter cope with her loss and makes her a vivid part of her life.
As the story progresses, you think you know how it will resolve,but there is definitely an element of suspense and surprise. There were no really bad characters here . . . so it doesn't give itself away, just a case of some being better suited than others.
The performances were very good and true to the characters. They were appealing and drew you into their story.
I really enjoyed this touching romantic comedy -- more romantic than comedy. I recommend "Lucky 7" and would watch it again.
By drawing a time-line for her 7 year old daughter,of things that will happen over the years to come,including school, career, and boyfriends, this young mother helps her daughter cope with her loss and makes her a vivid part of her life.
As the story progresses, you think you know how it will resolve,but there is definitely an element of suspense and surprise. There were no really bad characters here . . . so it doesn't give itself away, just a case of some being better suited than others.
The performances were very good and true to the characters. They were appealing and drew you into their story.
I really enjoyed this touching romantic comedy -- more romantic than comedy. I recommend "Lucky 7" and would watch it again.
- ahesse1311
- Nov 25, 2006
- Permalink
I just finished watching it and while it would never be considered a great movie, it was really good and fun to watch. To see that Patrick Dempsey's character is trying to get Kimberly Williams' character's attention while she's busy falling in love with someone else. And the whole thing that she follows her mother's timeline makes for a interesting way of her finaly hanging out with him. If you like movies that are about finding what you really want and not what you really think you need, you should watch this movie.
Kimberly Williams is great as the organizing Amy and Patrick Dempsey is the perfect guy that many woman might look over but finally fall in love with.
Kimberly Williams is great as the organizing Amy and Patrick Dempsey is the perfect guy that many woman might look over but finally fall in love with.
- tomatostar
- Jul 25, 2003
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if you're at home on a Saturday afternoon not particularly doing anything this is a GREAT movie to watch. its sensitivity, happy ending, and cute story line will transport you straight to i-wish-i-were-as-lucky-as-her world. So maybe it's not action-packed and full of large sets, but it's really nice. just one of those feel-good movies you blink tears away of at the end of the movie. and can i say this movie, unlike so many others, is actually Believable? i mean in other movies you either hang off the Brooklyn Bridge waiting for Spidey to come pick you up or wait till some sleazy politician falls in love with you. a definite recommended watch!!
I LOVED THIS MOVIE!!!... It would be wrong to view this film w/ high expectations. I don't think it even presumed to be more than a TV- movie so some omissions in the plot details are minor and rather irrelevant to the overall appeal of the movie. Even the neurotic lifestyle of Amy, while possibly a bit grating to some, is also OK on hindsight since I don't think viewers were supposed to take her too seriously. Personally, I was able to empathize w/ her, since I'm a bit of a control-freak, as well. Also, Patrick Dempsey played his character real well - as expected - & Peter was a very real character w/ whom I believe I could fall in love. He wasn't an over- the-top hero/underdog or anything, just your regular kind of guy. Very believable. Even Brad Rowe was convincing as Daniel. The great thing about his performance is he didn't try to make Daniel a nuisance. It really seemed as if Amy could as easily fall in love w/ him, as w/ Peter...The film seems to be a bit of light-hearted romantic fluff, but I think we could all use a wake-up call, a reminder not to take ourselves too seriously, to take risks, & to give all our relationships a chance!
- lavender_siamese-1
- May 28, 2004
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The helpful direction the dying give you, in an effort to help you think about the future, really does weigh on you once they're gone. You hold onto it thinking you're holding onto them and yet you have to challenge yourself to get on with the life you want for yourself. This film's lead character experiences that, struggles with it, trying hard to stick to the map her mother left her for her life. Throughout it reminded me to move on so I could appreciate the film for that alone. However Kimberly Williams is very good in her role, alternately type-A and ditsy, and Patrick Dempsey is also really good and his character the sweet but strong man most hetero women - and gay men - wish for (for all Grey's Anatomy "McDreamy" fans, it's worth watching!) and the scenery in and around Sooke Harbour House lovely (so want to move there).
Yes, I'd watch it again! And probably again, in a few years, just as a reminder...
Yes, I'd watch it again! And probably again, in a few years, just as a reminder...
- smithr1223
- Dec 2, 2006
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I'm surprised that this movie wasn't in the theatres. It's theatre material and quality. There is charisma between Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Patrick Dempsey. Mr. Dempsey is just so cute in this movie. I actually watched the DVD again the first time. It's a great date movie on a Friday, a perfect chick-flick. This is going to be one of my top ten movies to see when I'm in the mood for romantic comedy. I actually bought 2 DVD's to give one to my girlfriend. The movie script is very well written and everything just flows through, kind of like "While you were sleeping". Great settings and perfect lessons for women with power jobs to just stop and smell the roses and start being spontaneous!!!!I think everyone in the movie parts were great (except for the funk girlfriend which they didn't really elaborate any more). Kimberly's friend's part should have been elaborated more. I wasn't really sure if they were her friends or siblings. Also, about the part of her hating her job wasn't really shown. They could have shown more scenes to lead to this conclusion.
I've loved Kimberly Williams since I first saw her in Safe House (1998/I). Candid photos of her on IMDB reveal a wonderful self-confidence. I can see her being cast as a successful, professional businesswoman. However, to me she doesn't quite fit as a high-powered shark (lawyer). Coincidentally, that is one of the conflicts that make the movie what it is. It really pulls the viewer into a tangle of emotions, romance, uncertainty and destiny. Amy wants to follow her mother's plan to marry just the right man, but, love is a funny thing and Amy's emotions just won't behave themselves. It made me cry! Along the way is an amazingly appropriate musical score that is poignant without being overpowering.
On the lighter side, I was intrigued by the supporting cast of unknown celebrity look-alikes, including Brad Rowe, who looks like Brad Pitt, as a prime candidate for the Lucky #7.
If you like romantic stories, this is a must. Score 9 of 10.
On the lighter side, I was intrigued by the supporting cast of unknown celebrity look-alikes, including Brad Rowe, who looks like Brad Pitt, as a prime candidate for the Lucky #7.
If you like romantic stories, this is a must. Score 9 of 10.
- danindenver
- Nov 8, 2003
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I never write reviews, but this has been a long time favorite of mine. This is a great Rom-Com. I originally saw this on Hallmark. It definitely has the Hallmark formula that makes for a successful movie which seems to be missing in recent releases. I felt melancholy watching holiday movies that all seem to be missing something. Although Check Inn to Christmas was the best one I saw all season.
The casting for Luck 7 was great and this movie could have competed with box offices releases that year. I wish Hallmark would bring this back as part of a blast from the past series. Don't over think this one with changes or updates you would suggest. Just enjoy it as a guilty pleasure. You will not be disappointed.
The casting for Luck 7 was great and this movie could have competed with box offices releases that year. I wish Hallmark would bring this back as part of a blast from the past series. Don't over think this one with changes or updates you would suggest. Just enjoy it as a guilty pleasure. You will not be disappointed.
- maudie_ruth121
- Apr 4, 2004
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Oh, how I wish I had taped this movie! Now I will be desperately looking for it to air again. Kimberly Williams does such a great job - she seems very natural in this character (makes me wonder if she is a control freak in real life or just a great actress ;) Patrick Dempsey is adorable - I hope we see more of him, soon. I wouldn't call this a romantic comedy, as it made me tear up much more than laugh, but it was very romantic. As another plus, the soundtrack is phenomenal.
- logans_mom00
- Sep 19, 2003
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Wow! This movie is great! I loved it so much that I saw it again right after I got done watching it the first time. I like Patrick Dempsey's character because he's charming and sweet. I really like this movie and I wouldn't mind seeing it again over and over. I don't think I could ever get sick of watching this movie.
- AdorationOfFuzzySweaters
- Jul 19, 2003
- Permalink
This was a good movie about a more than captivating story. About a lawyer, a bagel guy and finding true love, the movie is definitely one worth watching. Good for people that think they've struck out on love and not necessairly open to anything. It just made me feel that I'm not completely alone in having a timeline and a seemingly crazy prospectus. Really worth watching.
I didn't begin this movie with high expectations, but I was quickly won over. Unlike most movies where the young woman has to choose between an obviously wrong choice and the man of her dreams, both men in this movie had something to offer her. And being a big fan of Patrick Dempsey, I couldn't resist! Well worth the watch...
Lucky Seven was really a very good movie Great family entertainment Rated PG13, Just goes to show you need to follow your heart. James Welch Henderson Arkansas 11/24/2020
This is a very entertaining and heartwarming movie. I generally don't go for Hallmark movies, This movie is definitely worth your time. Acting, and storyline are perfect.
- conway3000
- Mar 9, 2022
- Permalink
I seem to remember Kimberly Williams in The 10th Kingdom which was good and Patrick Dempsey in Can't Buy Me Love which was ok too, but this movie... it lacked development, as many "cram into a two hour spot" movies do, but if you don't have anything to watch on tv, you might as well turn this on. Even though pieces of the plot may be missing from time to time, its a generally cute story of a girl who tries to follow her life strictly set by her dying mother before she dies.
- hitchcockafficionado
- Jul 20, 2003
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