46 reviews
"Ren and Stimpy: Adult Party Cartoon" is more just boring than offensive or disgusting. It is not the monstrosity that everyone claims it is.
Is it good? No, especially not when compared to its Nickelodeon predecessor, which is one of my favorite cartoons of all time and one of the main influences of my style.
But it is not the worst thing ever conceived like it's constantly made out to be. It's not even that bad.
Though it did give us some disturbing looks into the mind of John K. (Naked Beach Frenzy and Stimpy's Pregnant).
Of the few episodes that were produced, Stimpy's Pregnant is the worst of the bunch, definitely. None of the rest even come close.
Just so soul-crushingly awful seeing Ren and Stimpy in the roles of an abusive marriage, and the poop baby was the icing on the cake.
Because of this, Stimpy's Pregnant is the only episode of Adult Party Cartoon that I think is genuinely terrible (though Naked Beach Frenzy is pretty bad as well).
I actually kind of like Ren Seeks Help, and Onward and Upward and Fire Dogs 2 aren't all that bad either. Largely bland and poorly paced, but nothing worse than that.
Naked Beach Frenzy is vile knowing the context behind it but ignoring that, it's just more boring than anything.
Same goes for Altruists, which has absolutely no reason to be as long as it is, but even that episode has a few good jokes.
Is it good? No, especially not when compared to its Nickelodeon predecessor, which is one of my favorite cartoons of all time and one of the main influences of my style.
But it is not the worst thing ever conceived like it's constantly made out to be. It's not even that bad.
Though it did give us some disturbing looks into the mind of John K. (Naked Beach Frenzy and Stimpy's Pregnant).
Of the few episodes that were produced, Stimpy's Pregnant is the worst of the bunch, definitely. None of the rest even come close.
Just so soul-crushingly awful seeing Ren and Stimpy in the roles of an abusive marriage, and the poop baby was the icing on the cake.
Because of this, Stimpy's Pregnant is the only episode of Adult Party Cartoon that I think is genuinely terrible (though Naked Beach Frenzy is pretty bad as well).
I actually kind of like Ren Seeks Help, and Onward and Upward and Fire Dogs 2 aren't all that bad either. Largely bland and poorly paced, but nothing worse than that.
Naked Beach Frenzy is vile knowing the context behind it but ignoring that, it's just more boring than anything.
Same goes for Altruists, which has absolutely no reason to be as long as it is, but even that episode has a few good jokes.
What could be said about John Kricfalusi's short-lived Ren & Stimpy show that hasn't been said by the other commentators? Well, for one thing, and this is just personal opinion- for what it tries to accomplish, up to a point, it works, sort of. It's also a kind of un-Godly evolution years after the original series on Nickelodeon started. The thing is that one can't really look at this in the same context as the original show, especially if you're going into it- like me- having been a young kid being a fan of the original Nickelodeon show, and now grown-up. John K's limitations on the old show had him dealing with really bizarre, surreal, deranged, unique, whatever-you-want-to-call-it type of ideals and comedy in a format that was meant for a kids network. And it worked through its zany abandon of all logic, which is what cartoons above all else need to do. The Adult Party Cartoon series, of what I've seen anyway, still do that too, but this time it's not for the kiddies- pretty much at all. Sure, you may want to approach this if you're, say, under 13 and already a fan of the 90s show, but it's the kind of experience that might introduce you to a few new words and explicit sexual details. Yes, sexual; there's even a homosexual undercurrent to many gags that end up giving what South Park does a run for its money.
And in a way this time John K pushes even further what might've only been hinted at in the original series- the influence of real, gritty underground comics, particularly to my knowledge Bob Crumb, who was all about the proverbial innuendo and just outright outrageousness of his creations. This time though if there has been just the little sense of innocence among the mania and stupidity and cruelties of the cat and chihuahua, it's now nearly all but lost in these episodes. Among the episodes I've seen, such as Stimpy's Pregnant and Altruists, we now see the pair as being dirtier with their language, much more on the side of being abstracted but almost becoming TOO much into its own reckless need to gross out and be depraved. You know things are a little 'off' when just when you think you knew things about the duo's genitalia, that comes into question. This being said, I did still find a lot of the material funny, sometimes hysterically so; the Altruists episode especially had a great fondness for Three Stooges shorts, as the pair go to great lengths to steal money and also build a house for a lady with a headless husband (I think it was her husband, I could be wrong, who cares).
Yet through the ambition that John K and his animation team has with these new "lost" episodes, which may or may not have been intended originally for the Nickelodeon show (for the most part I'd really guess not, but I can also see where in the episodes it could have actually completely worked for the old show, which adds to its hidden, dark charm), there's something missing to it. It's not merely that the tone of the banter of the two is off, mostly due to John K having an odder, more crazed voice for Ren and a new replacement for Billy West as Stimpy. It's that what was a really awe-inspiring, as a child and even today, in seeing such debauchery in such a way that wasn't meant to outright offend (even if some did get offended by the original show), and was unique in its brand of random asides, product placements, and subtle, weird touches to Ren & Stimpy's bond. Here though the episodes are much longer, loaded with jokes that sometimes do fall flat, very flat, and now it's more fun as a simple 'after-hours' cartoon show then as something groundbreaking. The Adult Party Cartoons are raunchy, crude, practically X-rated trips into the twisted mind of John Kricfalusi and his team; that it isn't anything too special goes to show that, in an ironic way, restraint does work a little in the favor of Ren & Stimpy.
And in a way this time John K pushes even further what might've only been hinted at in the original series- the influence of real, gritty underground comics, particularly to my knowledge Bob Crumb, who was all about the proverbial innuendo and just outright outrageousness of his creations. This time though if there has been just the little sense of innocence among the mania and stupidity and cruelties of the cat and chihuahua, it's now nearly all but lost in these episodes. Among the episodes I've seen, such as Stimpy's Pregnant and Altruists, we now see the pair as being dirtier with their language, much more on the side of being abstracted but almost becoming TOO much into its own reckless need to gross out and be depraved. You know things are a little 'off' when just when you think you knew things about the duo's genitalia, that comes into question. This being said, I did still find a lot of the material funny, sometimes hysterically so; the Altruists episode especially had a great fondness for Three Stooges shorts, as the pair go to great lengths to steal money and also build a house for a lady with a headless husband (I think it was her husband, I could be wrong, who cares).
Yet through the ambition that John K and his animation team has with these new "lost" episodes, which may or may not have been intended originally for the Nickelodeon show (for the most part I'd really guess not, but I can also see where in the episodes it could have actually completely worked for the old show, which adds to its hidden, dark charm), there's something missing to it. It's not merely that the tone of the banter of the two is off, mostly due to John K having an odder, more crazed voice for Ren and a new replacement for Billy West as Stimpy. It's that what was a really awe-inspiring, as a child and even today, in seeing such debauchery in such a way that wasn't meant to outright offend (even if some did get offended by the original show), and was unique in its brand of random asides, product placements, and subtle, weird touches to Ren & Stimpy's bond. Here though the episodes are much longer, loaded with jokes that sometimes do fall flat, very flat, and now it's more fun as a simple 'after-hours' cartoon show then as something groundbreaking. The Adult Party Cartoons are raunchy, crude, practically X-rated trips into the twisted mind of John Kricfalusi and his team; that it isn't anything too special goes to show that, in an ironic way, restraint does work a little in the favor of Ren & Stimpy.
- Quinoa1984
- Nov 12, 2006
- Permalink
Fans of the subversively brilliant, joyously animated Ren and Stimpy series approached the new "adult" incarnation with mixed results. On the one hand there is now a major focus on the profane, a conscious shift into extreme gross out and sexual exploitation, which in many ways has diminished the quality that was found throughout the brilliance of some of their best shows. On the other hand though, the love for animation is as apparent as ever, and the physical prowess that this team has been known for is in full effect, highlighting some of the greatest physical animation this side of a film budget, and completely overshadowing anything else, big budget or not, when it comes to just sheer over the top love for animating things to the extreme. Some of the episodes do drag, particularly disc two, where it is apparent the folks wore out their gimmicks a little too quickly. Shame though, that the gawky misfire of a joke, or severe indulgence into truly tasteless themes often overshadows the unmistakable genius that still pervades this franchise, despite them fleeing to more shallow ground. Sadly, another downside to these warped cartoons is the unnecessary packaging of the material. For fanatics of creator John K's ranting insights into the crazy world of ren and stimpy this double disc will truly personalize the experience, giving every back-story for these lost episodes it's proper, and lengthy explanation/introduction. However, the fact that only six episodes are layed out over the two discs (although the individual shows are closer to half hour rather then the 15 minute format of the past), is a little disheartening for someone sinking money into this set that is just doing it for the love of the Ren.
- oneloveall
- Jul 15, 2006
- Permalink
Ren and Stimpy were two of the most cherished icons from my childhood. "Were" is the operative word in that sentence after I saw the premiere of their new "Adult Party Cartoon" on the National Network (TNN). Anyone who grew up with Ren and Stimpy remembers the psychological drama of "Space Madness," the harebrained schemes of "The Boy Who Cried Rat," and the inspired nonsense of "Robin Hoek." None of those classic cartoons' qualities were present last night. Instead, we got crude sound effects and raunchy jokes about homoeroticism and consumption of human waste.
Now, I have absolutely nothing against people with alternative sexual orientations, but I believe there's a right way and a wrong way to present them in the media, and Ren and Stimpy's new show failed miserably at it. Sure, there were various hints at the two title characters' relationship scattered throughout the old show (like Ren's job as a romance novelist), but seriously, didn't Kricfalusi and Co. have any second thoughts about the whole "pitcher and catcher" thing? I seriously doubt that "Queer as Folk," the award-winning HBO show that presents homosexuals as believable people instead of walking stereotypes, would ever resort to that kind of humor. Seriously, it felt less like a Ren and Stimpy cartoon and more like a piece of perverted fanfiction from a disturbed 12-year-old girl.
The premiere episode was the first sign of the show's inevitable downfall. TNN marketed the show as a "Cartoon for F***ing Adults," gave it a TV-MA rating, and put it in the same block of programming with a foul-mouthed anthropomorphic rat lawyer and a crimefighter named Stripperella. All this, presumably, to compete with Cartoon Network's Adult Swim and Comedy Central's "South Park." And for what? "Ren And Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon" lacks the heart of "South Park" and the wit of "Home Movies." Not to mention how the show's TV-MA rating makes it unfit for children, although children are the only people who might find the show even remotely funny. "Ha ha ha, they're eating boogers! I can eat boogers too! When I grow up, I wanna live in a spittoon just like Ren and Stimpy!"
In closing, Billy West made the right decision after he read the script and refused to lend his voice acting talent to the show.
Now, I have absolutely nothing against people with alternative sexual orientations, but I believe there's a right way and a wrong way to present them in the media, and Ren and Stimpy's new show failed miserably at it. Sure, there were various hints at the two title characters' relationship scattered throughout the old show (like Ren's job as a romance novelist), but seriously, didn't Kricfalusi and Co. have any second thoughts about the whole "pitcher and catcher" thing? I seriously doubt that "Queer as Folk," the award-winning HBO show that presents homosexuals as believable people instead of walking stereotypes, would ever resort to that kind of humor. Seriously, it felt less like a Ren and Stimpy cartoon and more like a piece of perverted fanfiction from a disturbed 12-year-old girl.
The premiere episode was the first sign of the show's inevitable downfall. TNN marketed the show as a "Cartoon for F***ing Adults," gave it a TV-MA rating, and put it in the same block of programming with a foul-mouthed anthropomorphic rat lawyer and a crimefighter named Stripperella. All this, presumably, to compete with Cartoon Network's Adult Swim and Comedy Central's "South Park." And for what? "Ren And Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon" lacks the heart of "South Park" and the wit of "Home Movies." Not to mention how the show's TV-MA rating makes it unfit for children, although children are the only people who might find the show even remotely funny. "Ha ha ha, they're eating boogers! I can eat boogers too! When I grow up, I wanna live in a spittoon just like Ren and Stimpy!"
In closing, Billy West made the right decision after he read the script and refused to lend his voice acting talent to the show.
It's very rare that I will make a point to watch something on TV. When I heard that Ren and Stimpy was returning, I had to see it, no matter what. It was my favorite TV show for a very long time. The sense of humor was delightfully twisted and original.
Upon seeing the premier of the new version of the show I was mortified. I mean all of the "jokes" were not funny. OK they're eating snot and puke. That's funny? Anal sex between Ren and Stimpy? I don't see how anyone except immature children would find that funny. It's like John K was just trying to tick everyone off or something. And this is on the first channel for guys?
If this is what the show was supposed to be like the whole time it's a good thing that restrictions were put on it because the show would have bombed and nobody would have any clue who Ren Hoek or Stimpson J Cat were. I am really angry they would go and ruin this great series. I will not regard the adult party cartoon as Ren and Stimpy.
2 stars out of 10 is completely justified. The show is deplorable.
Upon seeing the premier of the new version of the show I was mortified. I mean all of the "jokes" were not funny. OK they're eating snot and puke. That's funny? Anal sex between Ren and Stimpy? I don't see how anyone except immature children would find that funny. It's like John K was just trying to tick everyone off or something. And this is on the first channel for guys?
If this is what the show was supposed to be like the whole time it's a good thing that restrictions were put on it because the show would have bombed and nobody would have any clue who Ren Hoek or Stimpson J Cat were. I am really angry they would go and ruin this great series. I will not regard the adult party cartoon as Ren and Stimpy.
2 stars out of 10 is completely justified. The show is deplorable.
- Squishgrape
- Feb 1, 2007
- Permalink
Just because you can make a cartoon without the censors bugging you doesn't mean you should. "Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon" is a perfect example of the assumption that gross out humor is enough to make a cartoon funnier for adults! Sick and twisted shock gags do not make a cartoon any funnier. If anything, this cartoon was boring and lacked any good story. South Park and Family Guy are examples of adult cartoons that include wit and cleverness with any so-called "gross-out" humor. There is no good story to compliment the witless extremes that John Kricfalusi felt he needed to bring to this waste of ink and paint. There is no wit or cleverness to be found in the new Ren and Stimpy. It is just amped-up grotesqueries that do no feel in the least taboo, but rather worn-out and trite. John Krickfalusi should feel very ashamed for making this thankfully-short series. Mr. K. thinks himself as a sort of "Mr. High and Mighty" in the cartoon biz, but this baloney should certainly be enough to deflate his ego.
- michael_the_nermal
- Jun 8, 2006
- Permalink
First off, I want to say that I bought the DVD because it looked GOOD. But the second after opening the case, popping in the sucker, and pressing play, I was in shock! purely because John K creator off one of the funniest shows ever on nick, destroyed his own work.
What really shocked me was that he actually wanted to make an adult version of ren and stimpy! No longer was the show subtle, no loner was the show slightly INNOCENT! Without those two things, all the humor is gone.
You may say, how could John K pull a george lucas! well he did, he really DID! Who knows, maybe he agreed to this because nobody in town is giving him a job! The adult party cartoon only had SIX episodes. Because he was fired, just like on the original version.
Well, the cartoon isn't the only thing on the DVD. There's some bonus interviews. Most of them containing EDDIE FITZGERALD who has nothing to say but "this cartoon the best cartoon ever made." YA they actually put something on the DVD that almost pisses you off more than the actual cartoon.
I just want to go on the record saying, I love ren and stimpy. I loved it ever since I first saw space madness when I was a kid. But this is not the show I LOVED
What really shocked me was that he actually wanted to make an adult version of ren and stimpy! No longer was the show subtle, no loner was the show slightly INNOCENT! Without those two things, all the humor is gone.
You may say, how could John K pull a george lucas! well he did, he really DID! Who knows, maybe he agreed to this because nobody in town is giving him a job! The adult party cartoon only had SIX episodes. Because he was fired, just like on the original version.
Well, the cartoon isn't the only thing on the DVD. There's some bonus interviews. Most of them containing EDDIE FITZGERALD who has nothing to say but "this cartoon the best cartoon ever made." YA they actually put something on the DVD that almost pisses you off more than the actual cartoon.
I just want to go on the record saying, I love ren and stimpy. I loved it ever since I first saw space madness when I was a kid. But this is not the show I LOVED
- eediot_123
- Aug 15, 2008
- Permalink
Since it only has 7 episodes, I'll just individually review every one, they'll be short, but to the point
Man's Best Friend (Uncensored) The original was ok I guess, it wasn't THE BEST episode, the only thing they changed was adding a violent deleted scene.
Onward and Upward The least bad of the episodes that isn't an uncensored classic, it's funny a couple times, it's mostly just weird but at least I wasn't disgusted
Ren Seeks Help Hey, fans! Do you want to see Ren torture random animals and be depressed for 30 minutes? You do? THEN THIS IS THE EPISODE FOR YOU!
Fire Dogs 2 Guilty pleasure tbh, it's bad, but it's so bad it's hilarious. But it still sucks, and has barely anything to do with Fire Dogs 1 from the original.
Naked Beach Frenzy Just Ren sexually harrasing random girls for 30 minutes, nothing special, just dumb.
Altruists Not gross or shocking, just boring, also why is there a kid without a head?
Stimpy's Pregnant The title. May I say more? Fine, it's the worst episode, it contains gross things, it features Stimpy with boobs (Really something I didn't want to see) and a bad abortion joke, easily the worst.
Overall, it's one of the worst things ever put to TV.
Man's Best Friend (Uncensored) The original was ok I guess, it wasn't THE BEST episode, the only thing they changed was adding a violent deleted scene.
Onward and Upward The least bad of the episodes that isn't an uncensored classic, it's funny a couple times, it's mostly just weird but at least I wasn't disgusted
Ren Seeks Help Hey, fans! Do you want to see Ren torture random animals and be depressed for 30 minutes? You do? THEN THIS IS THE EPISODE FOR YOU!
Fire Dogs 2 Guilty pleasure tbh, it's bad, but it's so bad it's hilarious. But it still sucks, and has barely anything to do with Fire Dogs 1 from the original.
Naked Beach Frenzy Just Ren sexually harrasing random girls for 30 minutes, nothing special, just dumb.
Altruists Not gross or shocking, just boring, also why is there a kid without a head?
Stimpy's Pregnant The title. May I say more? Fine, it's the worst episode, it contains gross things, it features Stimpy with boobs (Really something I didn't want to see) and a bad abortion joke, easily the worst.
Overall, it's one of the worst things ever put to TV.
- Comicfield
- Jan 9, 2022
- Permalink
I felt sick, disgusted, gut-wrenched, nasty, filthy and all-around over the top happy when I saw Ren and Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon. I could not believe what I was viewing on my television. I really had to hand it to the artist because one of the scenes when the guy was relieving himself on the toilet, I had to make a dash for my kitchen sink because I almost tossed my cookies. I could usually not feel sick at items like that but John K. really put the whammy on me. I have to admit that my favorite adult cartoon would have to be the beach party scenes. I will always love beach balls and never view them the same way again. I will never forget the shower scenes and the appearance of Shampoo Master. I had tears coming out of my eyes. It was so damn funny!!! I give Ren and Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon two thumbs up, a ten and a twenty in old school animation. Prepare yourself for the filth, I did!!!
- leathaface
- Apr 24, 2010
- Permalink
I was a huge fan of the old Ren & Stimpy cartoons when I was a kid, and I had heard about John Kricfalusi and his company, Spümcø, getting fired by Nickelodeon. Sure, I was a little upset about that and I had to admit, while I still watched them, the Games Animation cartoons didn't compare to the early Spümcø cartoons.
Then, years later, I heard that Spike TV was bringing back Ren & Stimpy with Kricfalusi placed back at the helm. I was so excited, I began doing the Happy Happy Joy Joy dance. If only I had known.
First of all, Billy West wasn't coming back. OK, initially, I had wondered if there may have been some bad blood between him and Spümcø. There wasn't. So why wouldn't he return to one of his best known roles? After watching the first episode of the new Ren & Stimpy, I found out why.
I had to force myself to sit through the first episode. The old Ren & Stimpy cartoons were funny because they were gross, these episodes, however, were just gross. I could've done without watching Ren and Stimpy happily eating phlegm, vomit, and various other bodily fluids, the sex scene was just wrong, and above all, did Kricfalusi forget how to write gags? The endearing charm of the original cartoons was gone, the pacing was off, and any sense of strange quirkiness was replaced with mere gross-out humor. I didn't laugh once the entire episode. The following episodes were a little better, but not by much. I was also bothered by Ren's altered personality. I understand he was supposed to be a jerk with a tendency for insanity. That was the basis for much of the humor in the original cartoon. Still he did have his nice moments and signs of vulnerability. In Adult Party Cartoon, he became a flat-out sadist with no redeemable qualities.
As for one final problem; The title of the new show was Ren & Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon. For some reason, "adult cartoons" these days revolves around nothing more than sophomoric humor. I mean, come on, even South Park will touch on social commentary now and then!
Then, years later, I heard that Spike TV was bringing back Ren & Stimpy with Kricfalusi placed back at the helm. I was so excited, I began doing the Happy Happy Joy Joy dance. If only I had known.
First of all, Billy West wasn't coming back. OK, initially, I had wondered if there may have been some bad blood between him and Spümcø. There wasn't. So why wouldn't he return to one of his best known roles? After watching the first episode of the new Ren & Stimpy, I found out why.
I had to force myself to sit through the first episode. The old Ren & Stimpy cartoons were funny because they were gross, these episodes, however, were just gross. I could've done without watching Ren and Stimpy happily eating phlegm, vomit, and various other bodily fluids, the sex scene was just wrong, and above all, did Kricfalusi forget how to write gags? The endearing charm of the original cartoons was gone, the pacing was off, and any sense of strange quirkiness was replaced with mere gross-out humor. I didn't laugh once the entire episode. The following episodes were a little better, but not by much. I was also bothered by Ren's altered personality. I understand he was supposed to be a jerk with a tendency for insanity. That was the basis for much of the humor in the original cartoon. Still he did have his nice moments and signs of vulnerability. In Adult Party Cartoon, he became a flat-out sadist with no redeemable qualities.
As for one final problem; The title of the new show was Ren & Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon. For some reason, "adult cartoons" these days revolves around nothing more than sophomoric humor. I mean, come on, even South Park will touch on social commentary now and then!
- overtheedge27
- Feb 5, 2009
- Permalink
This cartoon is a litmus test for being a normie. If you're grossed out, not entertained, or - especially - outraged by this series, then you are a total normie and the current state of teh internetz is your fault. Go back to watching My Little Pony and stay offline.
This wonderful spin-off of a kid's cartoon is aimed at adults who can appreciate the cynical humor, gross comedy and the details of animation and character design that is paying homage to the golden era of Loony Tunes cartoons of the 1940's.
It encapsulates what was wonderful about the early 2000's: the excitement of newly found freedom of expression that was granted by the invention of the internet. It was so good at it, that it got cancelled on TV - which isn't surprising, because TV is a conservative medium aiming at the lowest common denominator.
It's both hilarious and terrifying how hated this cartoon is nowdays, which is a sad reflection of our society today: people love to say they're for the freedom and tolerance for exceptions of the norm, but deep inside they're more conservative than ever. They don't tolerate any jokes that aren't safe and boring, they don't tolerate any creators that enjoy the power they obtained due to their success; they want everybody to be a good boy and produce paint-by-numbers "content" instead of art.
If you are craving for some shock humor and edgy approach to plots - definitely give this a watch!
This wonderful spin-off of a kid's cartoon is aimed at adults who can appreciate the cynical humor, gross comedy and the details of animation and character design that is paying homage to the golden era of Loony Tunes cartoons of the 1940's.
It encapsulates what was wonderful about the early 2000's: the excitement of newly found freedom of expression that was granted by the invention of the internet. It was so good at it, that it got cancelled on TV - which isn't surprising, because TV is a conservative medium aiming at the lowest common denominator.
It's both hilarious and terrifying how hated this cartoon is nowdays, which is a sad reflection of our society today: people love to say they're for the freedom and tolerance for exceptions of the norm, but deep inside they're more conservative than ever. They don't tolerate any jokes that aren't safe and boring, they don't tolerate any creators that enjoy the power they obtained due to their success; they want everybody to be a good boy and produce paint-by-numbers "content" instead of art.
If you are craving for some shock humor and edgy approach to plots - definitely give this a watch!
- elektroskansen
- May 17, 2024
- Permalink
John K as Ren and Mr. Horse. Eric Bauza as Stimpy and Mr. Pipe. Cheryl Chase as Various.
The old Ren and Stimpy was talked about back in the day as being one filthy kids show. They occasionally used mild language, had poo and fart jokes and had Ren being violent. This is one of the most explicit cartoons I've ever seen. It has animated female and male nudity. It has gratuitous gay sex between our two used to be straight stars. It has disgusting on screen poo jokes. It uses the f-word and whatever it wants to. It's as though John K reverted back to his childhood when he was 11 and all the dirty filthy things he thought of he could do now. A good example of an episode is "Ren Seeks Help". That episode was on par with the old stuff, and was even better. Then there are episodes like "Onward and Upward" which has a really horrible plot and is just gross, and not funny at all. I'm not saying that this show killed the Ren and Stimpy franchise, but it certainly did it no justice.
My rating: 6/10. Episodes range from 20 to 3o mins. Rated TVMA
The old Ren and Stimpy was talked about back in the day as being one filthy kids show. They occasionally used mild language, had poo and fart jokes and had Ren being violent. This is one of the most explicit cartoons I've ever seen. It has animated female and male nudity. It has gratuitous gay sex between our two used to be straight stars. It has disgusting on screen poo jokes. It uses the f-word and whatever it wants to. It's as though John K reverted back to his childhood when he was 11 and all the dirty filthy things he thought of he could do now. A good example of an episode is "Ren Seeks Help". That episode was on par with the old stuff, and was even better. Then there are episodes like "Onward and Upward" which has a really horrible plot and is just gross, and not funny at all. I'm not saying that this show killed the Ren and Stimpy franchise, but it certainly did it no justice.
My rating: 6/10. Episodes range from 20 to 3o mins. Rated TVMA
I really like Ren and Stimpy. But seriously? The episode "Ren Seeks Help" is so traumatizing and dark that the original voice actor refused to be in it? That sounds about right. Ren is great, he has great character. But that episode RUINED the show! I don't understand how it can be called Ren and Stimpy! Poor Ren! The episode is so bad it made me almost dislike Ren. But I will always love Ren, he is very funny. AND PSYCHOPATHIC! Okay, he is originally kind of crazy, but this has gone too far! There are kids out there who thought this was the original, BOOM! Childhood ruined! What the hell.....
Yours truly, a random 10 year old
Yours truly, a random 10 year old
- isabellersanchez
- Jan 16, 2016
- Permalink
So many issues come to my mind with this show that I can't believe the network green lit this. First off, you notice immediately it's disgusting & disturbing. Then if you can make it through all that, you'll realize it's nonsensical. (Like how can Ren get pregnant when he's a guy) Then the portrayal of each character is incorrect. (They can act like retards, sickos, or violent for no reason & it doesn't match their character) The graphics makes everything even more disturbing & worse than you can imagine. It's like the whole show was designed to offend you & want you to break your TV or beg for this monstrosity to end. Honestly it's the second worst cartoon with only The Nutshsck being worse! That's an achievement & not in a good way! 1/10
- cmayle-27244
- Sep 20, 2019
- Permalink
This is the worst show ever and even disgraceful to The Ren And Stimpy Show, and my 4th least favorite show next to The Adventures Of Paddy The Pelican and Barney And Friends this is the worst show ever from 2003.
- arielsiere
- May 24, 2022
- Permalink
Why... Just why... I've seen the reviews. I don't know HOW they could make a NO-STAR cartoon even worse with a reboot. Animaniacs and TTG work because they have some faith in their old shows. Raven being a gloomy half demon, and slapstick comedy. But the brilliant Canadian HYPROBATE John Krikfalusi decided to make an already insufferable Nicktoon back for adults only. The result of this vile experiment was PATHETIC AND EVEN MORE INSUFFERABLE. My score: MINUS INFINITY OUT OF 10!!!!
- doriankatchadorian
- Dec 28, 2020
- Permalink
Adult Party Cartoon was a great show with a talented cast of voice actors. One of Spike TV only good shows. The show revolves around Ren and Stimpy doing there usual stick. but only aimed at adults and is TV-MA. Ren is now more of an egoist than before but not in a cringy way of that of Bud Buckwald or Rudy Tabootie. Mr. Horse is by far the best character in the series with my favorite line from the show "You Crazy Son of a Bitch!" I still can't believe this show is gone & is hated by millions.
- tommypezmaster
- Nov 21, 2018
- Permalink
- GravityLoudHouseLover1
- Feb 21, 2017
- Permalink
Despite its polarizing reception upon release, Ren & Stimpy's 'Adult Party Cartoon' (APC) stands as a testament to the show's enduring legacy and its creators' willingness to push the boundaries of animation. While some may be appalled by its grotesque humor and bizarre characters, others will find a twisted delight in its subversive nature.
APC is a far cry from the original Ren & Stimpy series. The humor is darker, more twisted, and at times, downright offensive. The characters are more grotesque and unlikeable, their antics more depraved and surreal. Yet, amidst the chaos and depravity, there are moments of brilliance that remind viewers why they fell in love with the show in the first place.
The animation is stunning, with a unique blend of traditional 2D and CGI elements. The characters are incredibly detailed and expressive, their movements fluid and exaggerated. The backgrounds are equally impressive, ranging from surreal landscapes to seedy cityscapes. This level of visual artistry is a testament to the show's creators, who were not afraid to experiment with new techniques.
However, the show's controversial content is not for the faint of heart. APC is filled with graphic violence, sexual themes, and disturbing imagery. While some may find it amusing, others will be offended and disgusted. It is important to note that the show is rated TV-MA for a reason, and viewers should be aware of its explicit content before watching.
Overall, Ren & Stimpy's 'Adult Party Cartoon' is a flawed but fascinating show that deserves to be seen for its artistic merits alone. It is not for everyone, but those who can appreciate its twisted humor and bizarre characters will find it to be a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
APC is a far cry from the original Ren & Stimpy series. The humor is darker, more twisted, and at times, downright offensive. The characters are more grotesque and unlikeable, their antics more depraved and surreal. Yet, amidst the chaos and depravity, there are moments of brilliance that remind viewers why they fell in love with the show in the first place.
The animation is stunning, with a unique blend of traditional 2D and CGI elements. The characters are incredibly detailed and expressive, their movements fluid and exaggerated. The backgrounds are equally impressive, ranging from surreal landscapes to seedy cityscapes. This level of visual artistry is a testament to the show's creators, who were not afraid to experiment with new techniques.
However, the show's controversial content is not for the faint of heart. APC is filled with graphic violence, sexual themes, and disturbing imagery. While some may find it amusing, others will be offended and disgusted. It is important to note that the show is rated TV-MA for a reason, and viewers should be aware of its explicit content before watching.
Overall, Ren & Stimpy's 'Adult Party Cartoon' is a flawed but fascinating show that deserves to be seen for its artistic merits alone. It is not for everyone, but those who can appreciate its twisted humor and bizarre characters will find it to be a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
I absolutely HATE this show. I hate how they portrayed the "characters"-if you want to call them that- and I hate how you can still buy this almost everywhere!! But enough of my panicked hysteria, here is why I hate this retching excuse of a cartoon: "Ren" & "Stimpy": As I stated in my summary, this is NOT the Ren & Stimpy I knew, and I'm right. In APC, Retch & Stumpy are portrayed as a weird gay-bisexual couple thing, something that shocked me the most. And I have nothing against the LGBT community, it's just disturbing(ahem, the dreaded saw scene) I mean, I never saw the original Ren & Stimpy to be gay so.... Also, Ren is an evil, animal abusing maniac and Stimpy is now the clingy,obsessed girlfriend. Ooh, and John K voices Ren again and to replace Billy West, Eric Bauza/Buaza is Stimpy!
The Episodes: Are bad....well except "Ren Seeks Help". I think that's the only episode I'll consider watching more than once.I'll give a brief rundown of each episode:
Onward & Upward: The first APC episode I ever saw. And threw up because of it. Remember all the gross moments in the original? Amp those up times a million and you'll get all those scenes from this episode.
Ren Seeks Help: I will admit: this is actually a beautiful story; It's just not constructed the right way: Too many awkward walking scenes, Stimpy's new annoying cries, and animal abuse.
Fire Dogs 2: What was the purpose of this? To show what the fire chief was really like? But...we already know what he's like: he hates circus midgets and he's a fire chief. It may not be many characteristics but that's better than having him become Ralph Bashki and watching him on the toilet for five minutes.
Naked Beach Frenzy: Need I say more? This episode is just filled with naked girls with chest tumors. I don't even know what the story was.
Altruists:(or something) This actually had a really nice story that would have been perfect for the original show: Ren & Stimpy want to help a poor homeless women and her headless son. But because it's the "new and improved" version, this episode is garbage just like the others. Oh and for all you kinky lovers, you can watch Ren saw a log off a Stimpy's butt!
Stimpy's Pregnant: WTF?
However, there are very few nice things in the rip-off that make me hate it less.
1. Eric Buaza/Bauza did do an okay job on voicing Stimpy. He's no Billy West but he comes close.
2. The animation. My God it's beautiful. This truly brings out the original Ren and Stimpy style of this...sort of.
In conclusion, this is probably one of the worst spin-offs I've ever seen. It's definitely not the original. I recommend this to...well, if you like really gross crap. As for anyone else who's also a die hard Ren & Stimpy fan, heed my warning and stay away from this.It's not the same as the original.
The Episodes: Are bad....well except "Ren Seeks Help". I think that's the only episode I'll consider watching more than once.I'll give a brief rundown of each episode:
Onward & Upward: The first APC episode I ever saw. And threw up because of it. Remember all the gross moments in the original? Amp those up times a million and you'll get all those scenes from this episode.
Ren Seeks Help: I will admit: this is actually a beautiful story; It's just not constructed the right way: Too many awkward walking scenes, Stimpy's new annoying cries, and animal abuse.
Fire Dogs 2: What was the purpose of this? To show what the fire chief was really like? But...we already know what he's like: he hates circus midgets and he's a fire chief. It may not be many characteristics but that's better than having him become Ralph Bashki and watching him on the toilet for five minutes.
Naked Beach Frenzy: Need I say more? This episode is just filled with naked girls with chest tumors. I don't even know what the story was.
Altruists:(or something) This actually had a really nice story that would have been perfect for the original show: Ren & Stimpy want to help a poor homeless women and her headless son. But because it's the "new and improved" version, this episode is garbage just like the others. Oh and for all you kinky lovers, you can watch Ren saw a log off a Stimpy's butt!
Stimpy's Pregnant: WTF?
However, there are very few nice things in the rip-off that make me hate it less.
1. Eric Buaza/Bauza did do an okay job on voicing Stimpy. He's no Billy West but he comes close.
2. The animation. My God it's beautiful. This truly brings out the original Ren and Stimpy style of this...sort of.
In conclusion, this is probably one of the worst spin-offs I've ever seen. It's definitely not the original. I recommend this to...well, if you like really gross crap. As for anyone else who's also a die hard Ren & Stimpy fan, heed my warning and stay away from this.It's not the same as the original.
[1 star out of 5]
Now, this isn't just another review that says that the new Ren and Stimpy is nothing like the OLD Ren and Stimpy. I can tell that when John K. was given the OK to once again recreate R&S, he wanted to steer as far away as possible from the Nickelodeon version (after all, he was fired from his own show). But THIS version of the show is just unsettling.
Let me do a quick comparison of a few other cartoons. Now, a little bit of "bathroom humor" can be seen on The Simpsons from time to time, and even MORE can be seen on South Park. But calling the new Ren and Stimpy bathroom humor would be an understatement. The stuff seen on this show is just disgusting for no reason. Ren and Stimpy living in a spittoon eating people's snot and vomit -- I'm sorry, HOW is that funny? If you're going to be gross, shouldn't it at least remotely make sense?
I was looking at the R&S page at IMDb's affiliate site, TV Tome, and of course it had the different synopses for the episodes. When I read some of them, I said, "Holy living F!" Stimpy getting pregnant by Ren? Okay, last time I checked, Stimpy was a guy. I know this is a cartoon, but that's just stupid. And there were a few episodes that showed Ren and Stimpy having oral sex or something, and I'm not homophobic or anything, but I agree with the reviewer that said that that's not exactly the kind of thing that people want to see on "the first network for men."
A lot of Adult Party Cartoon lovers say that the show needs to find its niche, as do the other Spike TV cartoons (Striperella and the hilarious Gary the Rat), which is why only three episodes were shown and the rest held back until sometime this summer (supposedly). But these people are overlooking an important point: there were more than three episodes of Striperella and Gary the Rat shown. In fact, some of the Ren and Stimpy episodes they showed came from the Nickelodeon years (and no, all of them were NOT first parts of sequels, as some fans will probably argue).
I know this is hard to do, but the new Ren and Stimpy is even more disturbing than the OLD Ren and Stimpy. I'm not 100% sure if it's actually coming back, but it's not like I care, either.
Anthony Rupert
Now, this isn't just another review that says that the new Ren and Stimpy is nothing like the OLD Ren and Stimpy. I can tell that when John K. was given the OK to once again recreate R&S, he wanted to steer as far away as possible from the Nickelodeon version (after all, he was fired from his own show). But THIS version of the show is just unsettling.
Let me do a quick comparison of a few other cartoons. Now, a little bit of "bathroom humor" can be seen on The Simpsons from time to time, and even MORE can be seen on South Park. But calling the new Ren and Stimpy bathroom humor would be an understatement. The stuff seen on this show is just disgusting for no reason. Ren and Stimpy living in a spittoon eating people's snot and vomit -- I'm sorry, HOW is that funny? If you're going to be gross, shouldn't it at least remotely make sense?
I was looking at the R&S page at IMDb's affiliate site, TV Tome, and of course it had the different synopses for the episodes. When I read some of them, I said, "Holy living F!" Stimpy getting pregnant by Ren? Okay, last time I checked, Stimpy was a guy. I know this is a cartoon, but that's just stupid. And there were a few episodes that showed Ren and Stimpy having oral sex or something, and I'm not homophobic or anything, but I agree with the reviewer that said that that's not exactly the kind of thing that people want to see on "the first network for men."
A lot of Adult Party Cartoon lovers say that the show needs to find its niche, as do the other Spike TV cartoons (Striperella and the hilarious Gary the Rat), which is why only three episodes were shown and the rest held back until sometime this summer (supposedly). But these people are overlooking an important point: there were more than three episodes of Striperella and Gary the Rat shown. In fact, some of the Ren and Stimpy episodes they showed came from the Nickelodeon years (and no, all of them were NOT first parts of sequels, as some fans will probably argue).
I know this is hard to do, but the new Ren and Stimpy is even more disturbing than the OLD Ren and Stimpy. I'm not 100% sure if it's actually coming back, but it's not like I care, either.
Anthony Rupert
- Josephpr1990
- Feb 17, 2025
- Permalink
This is absolutely terrible, I can't believe this exists, because I thought the show was supposed to be like the original, but no, they just took everything from the original show and turned it into this, Thus is my second least favorite show along with Block 13 and possibly The Problem Solverz (though I have mixed feelings on that show), This is the worst reboot I have ever seen in my life, South Park, Happy Tree Friends, D Figures and etc. Are better adult animated cartoons than this, The only part I like about the show is the flute scene, The original Ren & Stimpy was much better than this crap! And also South Park, Happy Tree Friends, Ed, Edd n' Eddy, Oggy and the Cockroaches, Kid vs. Kat, D Figures and The Ren & Stimpy Show are infinity times better than this (Note: I am not praising the shows I just mentioned like they are all god)
- Aaliyah2010
- Jun 20, 2023
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