John David Carson credited as playing...
John Baker
- John Baker: Coach, I've gotta talk to you.
- High School Coach: Well John?
- John Baker: You know what it is.
- High School Coach: I know, I know, we talked about it last week and the week before.
- John Baker: Coach I really wanna run. And um well, some of the guys we're saying uh that you want to get Holland on the team.
- High School Coach: Oh and you think you can get him to join huh?
- John Baker: I know I could, he's my best friend, with him and I on the team together.
- High School Coach: Alright, alright you get Holland like to say you can, and you report out here at 3:40 tomorrow sharp alright.
- John Baker: Thank you.
- John Baker: [John Baker helps a kid named Hermit with playing baseball] Hermit, hold it up here like this, choke up a little bit, that's it, that's it just like that, lean it back, swing with your whole body, not just your arms okay. Alright let's play ball pitch it.