Okay, guys, maybe I am a little too harsh on this movie, but what is that all about? Okay, it is realistic material that is filmed, but still... First of all the introduction of the main character takes very long - and it's not worth it! There is no struggle to be seen in his way through the movie. He is not changing anything although one thinks something would change in his mind. This love-story of his is sooooo boring, 1000 times to be seen before and flat as a sheet of paper! The other three guys introduced are of perfect stereo-type of a robber's movie: we have the old veteran, the main character's best friend and somebody who wouldn't let him down; the 'oppponent', a very aggressive and not to be believed in type; last but not least 'Smiley', an old acquaintance of the main character; he organizes the money for the deal. The lightning, the cut and the camera and most of all the music are so tension-seeking it really gets on my nerves: e.g. Smiley's face is ALWAYS lightened up only from one side to give him a "dubious" touch - very clever! But back to the content. Why do we like to watch robber movies? Right, the preparation, the exact planning, the carrying out of the plan in detail. The movie lacks in all of these categories. All this is replaced by a - as already mentioned - extremely boring love-story, probation-assistant fooling-around ("Why didn't you meet me?" - "I hit my head" - hahaha) and the relation between the four gangsters; that at least could have been an exciting study to see - but it isn't at all. The 'turning points' (if one can call them so) are somewhat predictable it hurts! I'm really sorry but that movie is a certain '1' or '0' if that existed. It may be thrilling if you are 15 of age or a total entertainment-dependent junkie with an IQ of less than 70 - or it is your first movie you ever watched... for everybody else: HANDS OFF!!! One good thing about it: it made me register at IMDb because I was so upset and wanted to write a review so that nobody else makes the mistake and spend a cent seeing this movie...