In upstate New York, police detective Nancy Gordon (Marilu Henner) investigates the murder of the family of powerful Peter Lake (Scott Glenn). Ten years later in Sacramento, Martin Darius (Scott Glenn) is a successful developer. Under a blackmail threat, he hires defence lawyer Betsy Tannenbaum (Brooke Shields) and he kills the threat. She has just won a case against D.A. Alan Page (Lou Diamond Phillips). Nancy Gordon is still pursuing Peter Lake. Her theory is that he has changed his name and is a serial killer who leaves behind a black rose and a note that says "Gone but not forgotten". New missing women cases with similar signature have popped up in Sacramento and Alan Page happens to be in charge of them.
I don't know anything about Phillip M. Margolin or his writing. From this movie, it seems to be a lot of twists and turns. Only I don't like these ones. They leave me with various questions. They feel unrealistic. I can't believe that Peter Lake's story wouldn't be a nationwide salacious scandal. No gag order can be applied to the victims. I don't like Betsy's squeamishness about her work. She can't be a defense lawyer with only innocent clients. Also the D.A. would never tell so much about his case to her. There are aspects of the mini-series which intrigue me. There are short scenes that are fascinating. I love Martin Darius telling his version of his relationship with Nancy Gordon. That would be a great jumping off point for a different mystery. Then there is the final twist. It is convoluted which I am able to excuse as coming from the mind of a crazy person. In the end, this has one bridge too far to cross.