Let me just make clear from the start why this movie gets 3/10 stars from me. 1 out of 10 stars would be a movie by people without any knowledge of making movies at all and/or with inhuman content. 2/10 stars is a movie that was made professionally but without anything good or interesting about it. So, technically "The Long Weekend" should be in that category, but let's say Chris Klein's acceptable performance saved it from that rating.
Klein is just about bearable, which can't be said about the rest of this movie. Here's a short guide for aspiring makers of comedies: Tits, fart jokes, sperm or anything vulgar does not automatically equal funny. In fact, most of the time it's the opposite. The makers of "The Long Weekend" don't seem to understand that. They explore every dick joke no matter how predictable and disgusting it is. Actually, that's the best way to describe this movie: predictable, disgusting and let's add incredibly boring to that list of adjectives. The only thing remotely original about this piece of crap are the many blooper videos that are cut in from time to time. No, that's not enough to justify the making of this disaster. Not even close. Consider yourself degenerated if you think this movie is funny!