When Sam Fuller gets out of the Mini, her Tina Turner wig has straight hair, but before her wig had curly hair.
When Gracie reads over the list of rules to be the face of the FBI, she puts the list down, but in the next shot, she has it back in her hands.
At Hart's first book signing when she is talking to Priscilla the length of her hair tucked behind her ears changes from short to long between shots.
Regis Philbin points to his left with his left hand, and the scene cuts away and when it comes back, he is pointing to the left with his right hand.
When Stan and Cheryl are being rescued from the sinking ship Stan grabs the tied up Cheryl and says he will not leave without her. She is supposed to have her hands tied behind her around a post, but Stan is able to pull her arm away from the post. You can see a rope around her wrist but she is not tied to her other hand. She quickly pulls it back behind her. You can see how tightly her hands are supposed to be tied behind her when they do the underwater scene of Gracie trying to untie her hands.
When talking about his work in the theatre with his kidnappers, Stan Fields states that he played the character of Iago, in William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night". The character of Iago appears in "Othello", not "Twelfth Night".
After being confronted by McDonald about being the "new face of the FBI," Grace is handed her large box of fan mail. As she turns around to exit, she is seen turning to her left, but it is apparent that she turned to her right just before she bumps the corner of the wall dropping some of her mail.
When Fuller helps Gracie to come out from underwater,they remained under for quite sometime so their clothes and hair would be soaking wet. Minutes later, when they are talking to each other, Fuller's hair is totally dry and pulled back and Gracie only has slightly wet hair.
Stan looks older than his own mother (see trivia).
In the airport scene, where Gracie and Sam are about to head home for New York , an ad for either miss congeniality of miss congeniality 2 can be seen briefly throughout the entire scene.
When Gracie is talking to Priscilla in the classroom at the end of the film, the girl sat behind her in the stripy top looks directly at the camera (at around 1 hour 45 minutes).
At the end of the film, the teacher has written some pop quiz maths questions on the board for the children 1 of which is 259 / (3 x 2) which equals 172.666666667. It seems extremely unlikely that children of Priscilla's age would be expected to be able to work this sum out unaided. Similarly 1 question is 56 x 83 which again seems a little advanced for their ages.
When Gracie Hart first meets Joel Meyers, he tells her "Do as I say and he will live to regret it", but his mouth doesn't match.
When Gracie is chasing Dolly Parton through the hotel (before going outside) her shirt rises and bit and you can see her microphone box.
When Hart shows up at the airplane to leave from New York to Las Vegas, one can clearly see the Stratosphere hotel in the background. They shot the scene in Las Vegas.
When Agent Janet McKaren contacts Agent Foreman at the Diva show via his cell phone in order to trace his location, the map show them at the corner of Koval St and Harmon St. When Hart and Fuller leave the Diva show they exit out of the entrance of the 4 Queens Casino which is located in Downtown Las Vegas which is 4.5 miles away on the other side of Las Vegas no where near Koval and Harmon.
While Hart, Fuller, and Foreman are in the car just before the arrival at the Venetian Hotel, the M&M / CocaCola stores can be seen in the background across the street. This means they are traveling south on the strip, yet moments later, they get to the hotel which is on the same side of the street as the M&M / CocaCola stores and much further north.