Gage Golightly credited as playing...
Taylor Garrett
- Bonnie McCloud: It was the day she won her fourth ribbon. She won 37 in all.
- Taylor Garrett: Wow.
- Bonnie McCloud: 16 blue, 11 red, 10 yellow.
- Robert Tillman: [into a phone] Well, I don't know what to tell you, Mrs. Garrett.
- Annie Garrett: [into a phone] So, you sold the farm and his job along with it?
- Robert Tillman: Well I explained all of that to Ross when I gave him the two-thousand dollars.
- Annie Garrett: Y-You gave him what?
- Robert Tillman: $2,000. Figured we owed him that. He uh... He didn't tell you
- [Annie sighs and hangs up phone]
- Robert Tillman: Mrs. Garrett?
- [Annie fixes Taylor's coat]
- Taylor Garrett: Mom, Mom, Mama I can do it.
- Annie Garrett: [sits down] Oh.
- Taylor Garrett: Are you mad at me?
- Annie Garrett: Mama's mad about a lot of things but, not you honey.
- Taylor Garrett: Where are we gonna sleep tonight?
- [They walk to the stall where Tolo is sleeping]
- Annie Garrett: [Annie and Taylor are lying in the straw] Hey, you warm enough?
- Taylor Garrett: Mmhhmm. Mom?
- Annie Garrett: Yeah?
- Taylor Garrett: Who's gonna take care of us until Daddy gets back?
- Annie Garrett: I am honey. By God, I am. Hey, go to sleep.
- Taylor Garrett: Mmhhmm.
- Taylor Garrett: Morning mom.
- Annie Garrett: Mornin'. There's a cinnamon roll and some milk in that sack over there. There's a bathroom down the aisle. Why don't you go brush your teeth and them come help me?
- Taylor Garrett: Why are you braiding Tolo?
- Annie Garrett: We're gonna make some money today.
- Taylor Garrett: What about Dad? How's he gonna find us?
- Annie Garrett: Honey... I don't think your Dad's lookin' for us.
- Taylor Garrett: What do you mean?
- Annie Garrett: I mean... I don't think he's comin' back.
- Taylor Garrett: But you said that he was.
- Annie Garrett: I know, I was hopin' he would. I'm sorry.
- Taylor Garrett: What did you do to make him go?
- Annie Garrett: Taylor, I didn't do anything to your Dad.
- Taylor Garrett: I don't believe you! I want my Dad!
- Mary Lou O'Brian: Your mama's got a good leg.
- Taylor Garrett: What's that mean?
- Mary Lou O'Brian: Well it means that she's telling Tolo what to do... with little movements in her legs.
- Taylor Garrett: Oh.
- Mary Lou O'Brian: You see? How easily he broke into that canter? Well she told him to do that with her leg. Flying lead changes... Half-pass loop...
- John Oaks: Ah, don't look now but I think that's Annie's husband back there behind the tree.
- Guido Levits: [turns and looks] Huh?
- John Oaks: No no, don't look.
- Announcer: And with a percentage of seventy-five, this puts Annie Garrett and Tolo in first place.
- Guido Levits: This qualifies Tolo.
- Annie Garrett: I know.
- John Oaks: I didn't know I had a champion in my stall that night.
- Annie Garrett: He did okay today.
- John Oaks: So did you.
- Colleen O'Brian: Annie, Annie!
- Annie Garrett: You're late. Where's Taylor?
- Colleen O'Brian: She can't get Tolo to come out of his stall.
- Taylor Garrett: Come on Tolo!
- Annie Garrett: Taylor?
- Taylor Garrett: Huh?
- Annie Garrett: You alright?
- Taylor Garrett: Yeah, it, it's just that he's not moving.
- Annie Garrett: Okay.
- [turns and strokes Tolo]
- Annie Garrett: Hey buddy. Hey there, yeah. It's okay. It's okay buddy.
- Annie Garrett: [inspects all of Tolo's body] That's a good boy. You're a good boy. Good boy. You're okay. Woah. Woah.
- Annie Garrett: Hey.
- [Stares worriedly into Tolo's eyes]
- Annie Garrett: Oh. Oh. Oh no.
- Annie Garrett: [Sniffles] Hey, it's okay.
- John Oaks: [waves opthomaloscope in front of Tolo's eyes and sighs] He's blind, Annie.
- Annie Garrett: Why?
- John Oaks: Well he's got hemoraging in both eyes, which is really rare.
- Mary Lou O'Brian: What caused it?
- John Oaks: Could be the slow deterioration of the vessels in the back of the eyes but I can't be sure.
- Annie Garrett: Is there anything you can do for him?
- John Oaks: The hemorraging attacks the retinas of both the eyes. I'm afraid it's permanent.
- John Oaks: I'm not gonna sugar-coat this, Annie. Situation like this, we usually put the horse down.
- Annie Garrett: [starts crying] But I love him so much, I... what if I don't put him down?
- John Oaks: Well I'm... I'm not saying you should. But... Well the reality is: he's not gonna be able to find his water, his food, anything. He bumps into something it's gonna terrify him. When a person goes blind you can talk to them, explain what's happening, ease their fear. A horse just doesn't understand.
- Annie Garrett: This is so hard. I need some time.
- John Oaks: Take it. You know, just see how he does, alright?
- [Annie replies: "yeah"]
- John Oaks: If anybody can help him, you can.
- John Oaks: I'm sorry.