Sam Lerner credited as playing...
- Chowder: What? I thought if I shot the heart, that...
- Jenny: That's not the heart.
- Chowder: Then what *is* it?
- Jenny: Well, if those are the teeth and that's the tongue, then that must be the uvula.
- Chowder: Oh. So it's a *girl* house.
- Jenny: [looks at him] *What*? No! It stimulates the gag reflex. *Everyone* has a uvula.
- Chowder: Not *me*.
- Chowder: [pretending to talk to his father] Well, Dad, why don't you kiss my hairy butt?
- [turns around]
- Chowder: Hey, DJ, you got any beer?
- [noticing Jenny]
- Chowder: Well, hello there...
- DJ: [to Jenny] This is... Chowder...
- Chowder: Charles, to the ladies...
- Jenny: [interrupting] Um, Jenny Bennett. Two-term class president at Westbrook Prep.
- DJ: That's a tough school to get into.
- Chowder: Yeah, I got in but decided not to go.
- Jenny: It's a girl's school.
- Chowder: [nervous pause] ... Which is why I didn't...
- [another nervous pause]
- Chowder: ... You know there's a... there's a great taco stand near there...
- Chowder: [after they escape the Monster House by getting upchucked] That's it. Another great idea, DJ! Brilliant!
- DJ: What do you want from me, Chowder? I don't see you coming up with any big ideas.
- Chowder: Oh yeah, yeah. Do you wanna hear my big idea? I'm going home to make A PRETZEL SANDWICH! See ya!
- [starts walking away until DJ pulls him back]
- DJ: Chowder! The house is still alive and you're gonna wuss out?
- Chowder: I risked my life for you: I stoled drugs for you and *I could've died in there!*
- DJ: Yeah. Me too!
- Chowder: Yeah, but you're the one that killed Nebbercracker in the first place!
- DJ: Getting your stupid ball back...!
- Jenny: [Jenny pulls them apart] You guys, stop fighting. You're acting like babies.
- DJ: We ARE babies! What were we thinking? We tried to put a house to sleep with cold medicine. How lame could you get?
- [DJ begins walking toward his house]
- Chowder: Where are you going?
- DJ: I'm going home. I suck.
- [the house taunts Chowder by scratching a scary face on his basketball]
- Chowder: It's gonna be a bloodbath.
- Chowder: You're really crazy right now, you notice that? I think you're just freakin' out because you killed a guy today.
- [after watching the house eat the two cops]
- Chowder: Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, I think I'm having a stroke!