2 reviews
The Australian Broadcasting Commission's mismanagement of this show means that the talent of Eagle and Evans remains a hidden secret. I was just getting into the show when the ABC pulled it off the air because the election was more topical. I bought the DVD and found that Craig and Dailan's characters grew on me even more. Unfortunately the general public never got the chance to warm to the characters over the complete series because the remaining episodes were never aired. The ABC obviously did not learn its lesson from Cath and Kim. The first episodes were not popular at all, but by the end of the series the public had caught on. Now, after 3 seasons the show is a phenomenon and the DVDs sell like hot cakes. Unless Eagle and Evans is given a complete rerun, the ABC has wasted its money making it and this little gem of a comedy show will disappear into obscurity. Favourite skit: the belligerent traffic wardens (I don't know why. It's just so simple and ridiculous, I can't imagine whose brain thinks it up)
Eagle and Evans was on for three episodes two months ago. Now, after The Chaser has finished, it's back on. I bought the DVD of this before all the episodes were aired and let me tell you, they're crackers. But I'm not going to give anything away, so I'll just refer to what I think is the funniest skit I've ever seen, June In The Restaurant. Gribbich? I'm laughing myself stupid THINKING about it...
Anyway, if you're keen to watch the remaining episodes, on a Friday night, then I'll leave you with a quote that will stay in your heads for a long time coming. Picture Bob Franklin in a safari suit saying, "Who's dancin'? Who's dancin'?" Ah, the goodness. The goodness!
PS. June In The Restaurant is battling with Santo Cilauro's "Hijack Bloopers" for my favourite ever skit. Just thought I'd let you know.
Anyway, if you're keen to watch the remaining episodes, on a Friday night, then I'll leave you with a quote that will stay in your heads for a long time coming. Picture Bob Franklin in a safari suit saying, "Who's dancin'? Who's dancin'?" Ah, the goodness. The goodness!
PS. June In The Restaurant is battling with Santo Cilauro's "Hijack Bloopers" for my favourite ever skit. Just thought I'd let you know.