Jerry Ferrara credited as playing...
- Turtle: This is where you should be living, Vince. In a kingdom, like a prince.
- Eric: Don't you mean in a kingdom like a king, you idiot?
- Vince: Nah, E. Everyone wants to kill the king. But the prince, he just sails along telling all the ladies, "One day I'm gonna be king."
- Johnny Drama: If you play gay or retarded you get an Oscar. I'd take in the ass for an Oscar.
- Turtle: You'd take in the ass for a guest spot on The Hughleys.
- Turtle: [looking towards the Pacific Ocean] What direction is that?
- Johnny Drama: That's east, you idiot.
- Eric: It's west, idiot.
- [long pause]
- Johnny Drama: Well... I mean, in NY it's east.
- [checking out Eric's new office, which consists of a card table and a chair]
- Johnny Drama: Nothing personal, E, but this doesn't exactly say, "I'm Vincent Chase's manager."
- Turtle: Yeah, it says, "I'm *Johnny* Chase's manager."
- Vince: Johnny Depp's got the kind of career I want.
- Eric: Johhny Depp did "Pirates of the Caribbean". And if I'm not mistaken, he wore a swashbuckling costume and carried a sword.
- Turtle: Yeah, but he already dresses like that in real life, though.
- Turtle: Who the fuck wants a hand job?
- Turtle: Jesus Christ, Ari Gold. You just got demoted to Silver.
- Shauna: It's like prom; you get your date a corsage and she gives you a hand job.
- Turtle: Who the fuck wants a hand job?
- Turtle: He's fuckin' a guy, you're gettin' asked out like a little bitch, I'd say it's a very big deal.
- Turtle: Don't talk to us like we're adopted, bro.
- Turtle: Fucking art, man. Fuck fucking art!