- [last lines]
- Charlie Brown: Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask "when will it all end?" Then a voice comes to me that says "right after the credits."
- Rerun Van Pelt: By the way. When somebody walks by, how do you decide if you should bark at him?
- [Snoopy flips a coin and looks at it]
- Snoopy: Woof.
- Lucy Van Pelt: Listen to me. Mom doesn't want you to have a dog, does she?
- Rerun Van Pelt: No.
- Lucy Van Pelt: Do you really think Santa Claus is going to bring you something Mom doesn't want you to have?
- Rerun Van Pelt: Ooh... Supreme Court stuff.
- [first lines]
- Linus Van Pelt: Christmas decorations are getting more lifelike every year, Charlie Brown.
- Rerun Van Pelt: Oh, no! It's "B. of the B. Day." Oh, no!
- [he exits]
- Sally Brown: [asking Lucy] What is "B. of the B. Day?"
- Lucy Van Pelt: It's back of the bike day. Rerun has to ride on the back of Mom's bike.
- Violet: You're asking our family to adopt this dog?
- Charlie Brown: Why not? He's Snoopy's big brother. He's a good dog. He's a full-blooded beagle.
- Violet: That's what you say. I say he's part beagle and part disaster.
- Charlie Brown: He's been living just outside of Needles with a bunch of coyotes.
- Violet: I think I'd rather have one of the coyotes.