1 review
I was delighted when I first saw the 3D cinematic effects in the game. But there are so few and meaningless puzzles that good graphics can not compensate. Also the game is so short that it is shocking that after two puzzles and just getting started, you have to change the disc. So 1/5 of the game finishes before you get used to the game. It seems that those beautiful cinematic effects we see when climbing up or down the stairs are not actually visual effects but merely videos. So 5 Cds doesn't seem of only 1 Cd worth. Also there is not much sound effects, music and ambient in the game so it feels silent after you play the game a little. I gave 4 out of 10 just because the videos seen when climbing up or down ramps/stairs are really beautiful. But with more enjoyable puzzles, a little music and a better story; Schizm could be a much better game....