While the VERY last scene, of HENRIK in his Bath-robe, leaves one pondering about the message or intent..., this story's climatic build-up is -both- truthful and believable ! At first, tantalizing and intriguing for the first twenty minutes, the tension sets-in whence the councilors/lawyer's, is taken aback by HENRIK's attitude and questions ...; meanwhile we have the incredible interventions of (Sofie Grabol) NINA as a loving/warm/tender/sexually satisfied wife and mother ...; the (daughter's) STINE, mostly still-life presence and expressions are just incredible and beyond words ...! Mr. TROELS LYBY's presence & rendition is just extreme or too natural, Mrs. SOFIE GRABOL is just too much right as a Wife and Mother ... as well as a shining-out presence ... while either direction and photography are unquestionably good.
Shortly-put, this is {another} of a very limited number of quality films, with subject or renewing script's visualization ! P.S.: Sofie Grabol is a gorgeous and incredibly good actress. ... as proved with her lead in the recent "The Killing" three Danish TV's series ... !