Sixty-seven years after the events of the Subterranean Era in prior games, Earth's second largest corporation, Zio Matrix, acquires plans for a research project on Mars, dating back before t... Read allSixty-seven years after the events of the Subterranean Era in prior games, Earth's second largest corporation, Zio Matrix, acquires plans for a research project on Mars, dating back before the Great Destruction. Using these plans, Zio sends a research team to Mars to begin the Te... Read allSixty-seven years after the events of the Subterranean Era in prior games, Earth's second largest corporation, Zio Matrix, acquires plans for a research project on Mars, dating back before the Great Destruction. Using these plans, Zio sends a research team to Mars to begin the Terraforming Project, which causes the Martian surface and atmosphere to approximate that of... Read all