Five years after the coup attempt led by Leos Klein the Earth government struggles to realize one of its original objectives, relocating people from the underground cities to the Earth's surface. These plans are hopelessly delayed because the government has had to shift its focus from resettlement to military buildup. A necessary move in the government's eyes, needed to keep both the corporations and the situation on Mars in check. After facing various setbacks, the corporations that once held sway on Mars are in positions of diminished influence. This does not sit well with them and each is secretly rebuilding their personal armies in order to contend with the government's growing might. Tensions between the corporations and government are at a breaking point. With all of the government's efforts currently focused elsewhere, resentment toward the institution from the general populace is at an all-time high. Tired of being neglected, people living in the underground cities have taken matters into their own hands and incidents of armed revolt are a daily occurrence.