We all know that the US backed up the military regimes in Latin America. Not so well known is the "French connection", basically they even trained the Americans on guerrilla warfare!
The courageous Marie-Monique Robin gets into the military's garrisons and private houses, and gets invaluable testimonies. Sometimes "official", others with a surprisingly effective "hidden camera". I do think "the end justifies the means" in this particular case!
I sometimes even fear for her own security, wondering what would have happened if they caught her (specially the Chilean). She delves on the "Condor" plan, the connection between Brazilian, Chilean, Argentinian etc forces for exchanging information and "savoir faire" about kidnapping, torture and murder. It's fun how the French generals seem to be totally proud about their job, I suppose they are even heroes! Whereas the Argentine have been judged and condemned, by the society as much as by the judges. A difficult topic, where a definite opinion is not easy.
As a side point, I find alluring the beautiful French language, even when talking about such a violent topic. If only beauty could cancel things out...