Ian Bliss credited as playing...
Lt. Aaron Shaftsbury
- EDI: [Regarding the immediate Rangoon bombing] Squadron carries truncheon implosion bombs.
- Lt. Aaron Shaftsbury: Negative, will not work. Central Prime says AGM truncheons cannot achieve necessary velocity for penetration.
- EDI: One to UCAV, three seven seconds to primary. Come on, explain.
- EDI: Diving dead vertical at 2070 knots will increase truncheon velocity. Bomb will successfully penetrate roof.
- Lt. Kara Wade: What's the blackout risk at vertical 2070?
- EDI: 73%.
- Capt. Dick Marshfield: Pull off, captain. It's not worth the risk.
- Capt. George Cummings: Operator to Talons, pull back. EDI will plant the truncheon.
- Capt. Dick Marshfield: Captain!
- Capt. George Cummings: This is what we built this machine for. There's no blood in those quantum veins. It can't blackout.
- Capt. George Cummings: Operator to Talons, repeat, EDI will plant the truncheon.
- Lt. Ben Gannon: Control, negative control, mission critical, One will prosecute.
- Lt. Henry Purcell: This is Three to One: I got your back playboy, but if you blackout, you're going to kill yourself and everyone down there.
- Lt. Ben Gannon: Negative, Three. I did not make it this far by being in the seventy third percentile. I like my odds.
- Capt. George Cummings: Talon One, your orders are to stand down. Do you read me Lieutenant?
- Lt. Ben Gannon: I seem to be having -
- [Pulls throttle back and plane increases altitude]
- Lt. Kara Wade: [Looking at Ben flying upward] Go baby go.
- EDI: [after Ben begins his vertical dive] One hundred knots to release velocity.
- EDI: Fifty knots to release velocity,
- Naval Controller: His BP is spiking, sir.
- EDI: Released velocity attained.
- Lt. Ben Gannon: Truncheon away!
- [Fires missile]