Dee Bradley Baker credited as playing...
- Narrator: The Jadow move ominiously across the land, dying the sky with blood and pounding the earth, those who still have faith in justice and hounor, valor and goodness call out his name. the ultimate superhero, the only one who can save the world from extinction, if he can't do it, no one can...
- Joe: Who, me?
- Joe: ...that voice! It really is Captain Blue! Wow! Hey, can I have your Autograph?
- Captain Blue:
- Alastor: Well, if it isn't my friendly neighborhood arch-rival, but you're a little late! The ritual has begun!
- Joe: Hey, I know you!
- Alastor: The name's Alastor! Nice hit back there, by the way.
- Joe: What's this about a ritual? I hope you guys aren't up to anything wierd! There are children watching this too, you know!
- Charles the 3rd: Who dares disturb my beauty sleep? Have you not heard? This movie's already over! Captain Blue is defeated, and we are victorious!
- Joe: Shows how much you know, bat brain! In movies, there always has to be a plot twist. That means something always goes wrong once before you get to the happy ending, hello! Now come on, let's get this over with!
- Charles the 3rd: Phoof! What nonsense he speaks! Come nightfall the ritual of sacrifice will begin and your pathetic little world will... Oopsy poopsy! Almost let the cat out of the bag there! In any case, this has nothing to do with riff-raff like you! The only thing left for you to do is... vanish!
- Joe: Uh! What an idiot!
- Gran Bruce: Oi! You best shut up, mate. Otherwise I'll chew yer hind quaters like a big stick of... thing... uh... ah, you know the... arghhhhhh!
- Joe: Gum! G.U.M. Gum! Gah! Do I have to spell it out on a chalk board for ya?
- Gran Bruce: Yeah... so?
- [Joe bursts out of a man-hole, launching into the sky in the opening of level five, "The Midnight Thunderboy"]
- Joe: [Pep-talking his knuckles] Time to go to work, guys! *Mwah!* *Mwah!*
- [In the submarine engine room, Joe meets his imposter, Another Joe]
- Joe: Huh? An outfit that looks just like mine. Are you a hero in this world too?
- [the imposter assumes his fighting stance]
- Joe: Whoa, whoa, hey hey! What's your problem? Alright, fine! Let's settle this! We don't need two heroes wearing red anyway; Whoever wins has to change into a yellow outfit.
- [chuckles]
- Joe: Okay?