Surendra Mohan alleged that Rishi Kapoor purposely delayed the film because he wanted Henna to release first. This was because Rishi wanted Henna to be the first film to release that starred himself and Ashwini Bhave. Rishi in return said that Surendra Mohan did not pay him his owed money for the film.
Director Surendra Mohan was Directing Khuda Gawah for Producer Subhash Desai. Amitabh Bachchan, Rishi Kapoor, Parveen Babi, Bindiya Goswami, Mukhri, Mehmood and others was the starcast. Some shooting was done suddenly the film was shelved. Also Adawat with Sanjeev Kumar and Waapsi with Rajesh Khanna were shelved. All were important major films.
Varsha felt the felt the flopped because the distributors did not publicize the film properly.
Varsha Usgaonkar would interact very less with Rishi Kapoor on the sets.As she felt he being a star kid and himself a star would have tantrums on set.But years later she clarified that he was a complete gentleman on sets.
Akshay Kumar originally signed the film Honeymoon in January 1991. He was later dropped from the film.