The Sci Fi channel puts out a lot of TV movies... many of them are dreaded crap. After seeing this, however, I was rather surprised. This movie wasn't bad at all.
Summary: Dinosaurs didn't all die out after a huge meteor hit the earth. Humans did take over the world (as we all know) and dinosaurs had to adapt. It's now modern day and dinos use sophisticated disguises to look like people and live secretly among us. A sub-society of these dinos wants to start a conflict with humanity because they think that they shouldn't be living like people and that in the long run they can take over the world for the better. A dino detective guy (the main hero and narrator) who has mixed feeling about this issue investigates stuff, and ultimately makes some pretty grand decisions. (an interesting story, I hear there's a book like this)
Good Things: The story is quite intriguing. The special effects look pretty good, and they are not used often (this is important or it ruins a film). The acting is decent, too. The film is edited incredibly well: The way visuals and sounds are shuffled and put together at times gives the film a real erie/awesome feel (a 'Fight Club' kinda weird I'd say).
Not So Good: There's some loose ends, some implausible stuff (but hey, its a science fiction movie..), and a rather strange ending. Nothing that bad though.
Of course someone is sure to badmouth this movie and call it complete garbage. That's their right... but I invite them to see Sci Fi's 'Raptor Island'. THAT movie, my friends, is the utter crap. It deserves something like a 2 out of 100. Bad story, bad acting, horrid special effects, all around awful. You might not be able to watch it to the end. THEN compare it to this... you'll be amazed. So please don't compare this to The Matrix or Saving Private Ryan: don't forget that it's a TV movie.
So... if you're sitting around at home and you want to see an interesting and entertaining little TV movie, give this a shot. It's one of the few rare Sci Fi movies worth watching.