I don't know exactly what happened to this show, but if ESPN was stupid enough to cancel it, then they better damn well have the decency to release the show on DVD!!! This show is one of the funniest shows that I have seen since Mystery Science Theater 3000!! It was extremely simple but that was the beauty of it. I can't think that they actually ran out of events to put on the show, so I guess they decided that is wasn't that popular. Well I am here to tell you that I would Tivo this show religiously and watch it almost immediately when I got home. In fact now a days, if I see a re-run being shown on ESPN Classic, I will automatically record it and, I still laugh my butt off when watching this show!!! Not a whole lot of shows can stand up to repeated viewing, but this show definitely can! I think partly why the show works is because of the Sklaar Brothers, because they are hilarious! So please bring back the show, or Please for the love of god, release it on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!