Richard Kiel credited as playing...
- Vlad: [Points at wanted poster of Flynn Rider] Is this you?
- [Moves finger away to show a long nose on the poster]
- Flynn Rider: Oh, now they're just being mean.
- Vlad: [to the Captain of the Guard] I believe this is the man you're looking for.
- Short Thug: [in a Cupid costume] You got me.
- Big Nose Thug: [sings] Tor would like to quit and be a florist.
- Vlad: [sings] Gunther does interior design.
- Thug 2: [sings] Ulf is into mime.
- Big Nose Thug: [sings] Attila's cupcakes are sublime.
- Big Nose Thug, Thug 2: [sung together] Bruiser knits, Killer sews, Fang does little puppet shows.
- Hook Hand Thug: [sings] And Vladimir collects ceramic u-ni-corns...
- [Vladimir smiles with a sinister, ominous look]