i watched this very moving documentary on PBS. questions about accepting what is different, reproduction rights, discrimination, mixed raced mixed sizes relationships are all discussed and witnessed in a very respectful and touching way. The director shows the life of several little people and allows us to go into their homes and see how they carry their everyday routines. however the documentary goes beyond these scenes, it gives a voice to people who have serious thoughts about whether they should have children, marry or date at all. But ultimately we are left with simply a human issue, put aside all our difference, be it small size or average size, we are humans who want to work, be productive, share our lives with someone else, dance and have a laugh. some of the little people want to improve their lives by becoming activists and being outspoken. I, even though an average size person, could relate very much with their lives as a gay man. Issues of reproduction and acceptance are simply the same as with other minorities and how majority wants to regulate (or eliminate) our existence. In particular some little people (as they refer themselves) talk about some testing on fetuses which determines if the child will be dwarf or not and they question whether families will abort the child, and thus eliminating little people community as small as it already is. highly highly recommended.