Don Frye credited as playing...
Douglas Gordon
- Douglas Gordon: Listen kid, there are two things you didn't know about the Earth. One is me. And the other is... Godzilla.
- Douglas Gordon: The world is ruined, and the war is already lost. Now it's a matter of pride. We either die hiding... or die fighting.
- Douglas Gordon: Then that's it. Godzilla can handle the monsters. I'm going to kick that Xillian kid's ass.
- [from trailer]
- Douglas Gordon: This final mission will decide the fate of the human race. This is Operation: Final War.
- Douglas Gordon: Hmph. The Gotengo's our last hope, you say? Nope, you're wrong. Our last hope is here.
- [points to map]
- UN Molecular Biologist Miyuki Otonashi: The South Pole?
- Earth Defense Force Soldier Shin'ichi Ôzaki: Area G?
- Major Komuro: [to Gordan] You're going to wake up Godzilla?
- Douglas Gordon: Godzilla. The most destructive weapon on Earth.
- Major Komuro: It's too dangerous. What if he destroys the world?
- Douglas Gordon: There is no world left to be destroyed.
- Earth Defense Force Soldier Shin'ichi Ôzaki: Captain, take the others back to the vessel. I've got business to finish.
- Douglas Gordon: Don't miss the train.