1st off I'd like to say I'm all for low budget films and wouldn't judge a film as being bad if it wasn't,but this is really in my top 10 worst films I've ever seen.
Sub Rosa's a company who you can split into two parts the fine Eric Stanze productions (he's groundbreaking now,just wait till he gets the budget he deserves) and this which wouldn't even work as a troma release.
I know your not meant to take these cult comic,grade-z films serious but this isn't good by a long shot bad video fx,bad unfunny dialog,bad plot & and most of all a bad idea to stretch what woulda made a lame skit on a comedy show,just hope they had fun making it cause I very much doubt anyone who wasn't involved in it would.
theNomad says go eleswere for this style of film done well,if you haven't you could check out street trash or brain damage..(1 out of 10 for the "nice carrot patch" line)