I loved the storyline, but I'm not sure if I liked the movie. Maybe it was too emotional for me, maybe it was too serious, maybe it had too much drama and too little horror, I don't know what it was but I do know I was bored throughout most of it.
The movie starts off with an overly obnoxious couple who were way too giddy for me not to be annoyed. Ya, I get it, you just got married but they more acted like a ten year old who just got his first transformer, then an adult couple. Another thing that bothered me about this movie was in order to make the audience "get the picture" they would have scenes where nothing was going on, no sounds, no movement, just sad faces for what seemed like an eternity.
If you are looking for a sweet "love" story that more fits a horror movie rather then a drama with some blood I would recommended David Morlet's "Mutants" (2009). Now that was a good horror movie about a relationship trying to survive through the odds.