When I first heard about the plot line for Maburaho, I rolled my eyes and thought this was going to be a dud. Fortunately I took a chance on it, and turned it out to be much better than I expected.
The story is set in an alternate reality, where a persons ability to use magic as well as the number of times one can use magic determines their social status. The main character, Kazuki Shikimori, is an all around nice guy, who unfortunately can only use magic eight times. This being the case, he's considered a loser. However, he and others come to learn that his genes give him the ability to produce powerful offspring. With this being known, every girl in the school wants to get Kazuki's genes. Thus begins our wild and crazy ride.
I found the plot to be fun although at times silly, and I found myself enjoying the characters. The animation is nicely done in the typical anime style as well as the coloration. While not all the jokes hit the mark, most of them did which was made this show work. There were also a number of sentimental scenes, especially in the latter part of the series, which help balance the series nicely.
Anyone who loves anime, will probably enjoy this series, especially if they like fan service. While this series may not be the paragon of the genre, it is still a fun way to pass the time. Maburaho is definitely worth a look.