Hayden Panettiere credited as playing...
- Kairi: Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, and they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny.
- Pence: Oh, Sora!
- Sora: Um... Pence, right?
- Pence: Do you know a girl named Kairi?
- Sora: [excited] K-Kairi? I sure do!
- Pence: Then you better come to the station.
- [Sora smiles]
- Hayner: [scene skips to Pence and Sora running toward the station] He-ey!
- Sora: [Hayner and Olette run to Sora and Pence] Hey, so how do you guys know Kairi?
- [Olette and Hayner look at each other, then look to the ground]
- Sora: Kairi was really here?
- Hayner: Yeah. And... she said she was looking for you.
- Sora: Tell me where she is!
- Hayner: Well...
- Olette: [in a flashback] What a romantic story!
- [Kairi smiles]
- Pence: If you stick around, Sora's bound to show up.
- Hayner: Yeah, he said he's coming back.
- Kairi: Okay!
- Axel: What took you so long Kairi?
- Axel: [Axel appears] Somehow, I just knew you'd be here. I tell ya Kairi, you've got a lot of guts, jumping right into the darkness like that.
- [Hayner and Pence to punch Axel but falls through him]
- Kairi: [Axel slowly approaches Kairi and takes her arm] Let go of me! Let go!
- [last lines]
- [as "Destiny Islands" plays]
- Riku: Nothing's changed, huh?
- Sora: Nope. Nothing will.
- Riku: What s small world.
- Sora: But part of one that's much bigger.
- Riku: Yeah.
- Sora: Hey, Riku... what do you it was - -the door to the light?
- Riku: [indicates his heart] This.
- Sora: This?
- Riku: Yeah. It's always closer than you think.
- Kairi: [running up with a message in a bottle] Sora! Riku!
- Sora: Hey, what's up?
- Kairi: Look.
- Sora: From the King?
- [Sora opens the bottle and reads the message. "Hand in Hand" plays as he and his friends anticipate another mission. The scene fades out]
- Kairi: Maybe... waiting isn't good enough.
- Axel: My thoughts exactly! If you have a dream, don't wait. Act.
- [Kairi looks around and sees someone]
- Axel: [Axel appears] One of life's little rules. Got it memorized?
- Kairi: Who are you?
- Axel: Axel. I happen to be an acquaintance of Sora's.
- Axel: Why don't we go see him?
- Kairi: ...Sora?
- [Pluto barks; Kairi gasps as dusks appear around her and Pluto]
- Axel: [a portal appears, Pluto runs toward it and barks] We've got something in common, Kairi. You and I both miss someone we care about. Hey... I feel like we're friends already.
- Kairi: [Grunts and runs towards the portal] You're not acting very friendly!
- Kairi: Hey, what is this place?
- Kairi: [hears a whistle and runs into another portal]
- Kairi: [sees a man in a black cloak] Huh?
- Kairi: [everything disappears]
- Hayner: [Kairi is laying on the floor of the Usual Spot] You okay?
- Kairi: [awakens] What?
- Pence: You and that dog came flying out of a whole in the wall! You nearly gave us heart attacks.