Tom Wilkinson credited as playing...
Father Moore
- Father Moore: Tell me your six names!
- Emily Rose: [possessed] We are the ones who dwell within.
- Emily Rose: [in Hebrew] I am the one who dwelt within CAIN!
- Emily Rose: [in Latin] I am the one who dwelt within NERO!
- Emily Rose: [in Greek] I once dwelt within JUDAS!
- Emily Rose: [in German] I was with Legion!
- Emily Rose: [in Assyrian Neo-Aramaic] I am Belial!
- Emily Rose: [in English] And I am Lucifer, the devil in the flesh.
- Father Moore: [reading Emily's letter] People say that God is dead, but how can they think that if I show them the Devil?
- Father Moore: Once you've looked into the darkness, I think you carry it with you for the rest of your life.
- [last lines]
- Erin Bruner: [Looking at Emily's gravestone] Who chose the epitaph?
- Father Moore: I did. It's from the second chapter of the Phillipines, Verse 12. Emily recited it to me the night before she died.
- [Erin places her white flowers on Emily's grave. The epitaph reads: "Work out your own Salvation, with fear and trembling."]
- Father Moore: [before the exorcism] Do not ask it any questions or pay any attention to what it says.
- Jason: It?
- Father Moore: We won't be dealing with Emily tonight.
- Father Moore: Emily, can you hear me?
- Emily Rose: [in Latin] I am the one who dwells within.
- Father Moore: And I am the one who comes in His name.
- Emily Rose: You think you can force me out, priest? Try. I dare you.
- [Emily twitches and falls to the ground]
- Father Moore: I now command you! Give me your name, demon!
- Emily Rose: *Names!* *Names!* One, two, three, four, five, six!
- Father Moore: Ancient serpents, depart from this servant of God! Tell me your six names!
- Emily Rose: We are the ones who dwell within!
- Erin Bruner: Good morning. I'm Erin Bruner. May I sit down?
- Father Moore: I brought the chair for my public defender. I guess they left it here when they decided that I wasn't going to kill myself with it.
- Father Moore: Are you a Catholic?
- Erin Bruner: No. I'm an agnostic, I guess. I'm not really sure.
- Father Moore: If you're not sure, then you are one.