When Tom and Carolyn exit the Portfolio coffee shop during their argument it is raining lightly. However, their hair is immediately soaking wet as soon as they step outside.
(at around 6 mins) Carolyn is playing a slot machine. On the front of the slot machine it reads "25¢" indicating that it is a quarter machine. Carolyn the gets up and a lady sits at the same slot machine. The machine now reads "$5".
When Walter is throwing cards in Three Card Monte, he has three cards from a blue deck of Bicycle cards. However, the queen of hearts he shows the spectators does not have the same face or design one would find in a Bicycle deck.
In the basketball game at the beginning of the movie, both teams are wearing dark 'away' uniforms. In reality one team would be considered the home team and be wearing white or light colored uniforms.
Godfrey Snow is Clyde Snow's little brother but the DVD box synopsis calls Godfrey a nephew to Clyde.