Loren Berman credited as playing...
Boy at Health Clinic
- Boy at Health Clinic: Hey, do you have any extra large condoms?
- Dad at Health Clinic: Oh, Seth, please! You have a tiny penis...
- Health Clinic Counselor: Oral sex play...
- Boy at Health Clinic: Sounds like my Friday night.
- Dad at Health Clinic: Oh, shut up Seth, we went to temple.
- Boy at Health Clinic: Wait, so you're a virgin? I'd tap that.
- Dad at Health Clinic: Oh, yeah, you'd 'tap that.' What, Seth, you think you're cool with your little Jew Fro? We don't say 'tap that.' What are you talking about, Seth?
- Andy Stitzer: You know what? I'm a virgin too.
- Dad at Health Clinic: We're virgins too.
- [laughing]
- Boy at Health Clinic: Yeah.
- [high five's dad]
- Andy Stitzer: No, you know what? It's a personal choice and I don't think it's weird at all.
- Dad at Health Clinic: You know what your problem is? You're putting the pussy on a pedestal.